Sunday, November 03, 2013

NFL Football picks - week 9

Last Week - 11 - 2
Overall - 77 - 44

Cincinnati over Miami - Yep, I knew it.  Had Miami in my gut, but saw the Bengals play last week and went with that.  Wrong.  Safety in the end zone in overtime for the Dolphins to win the game.  Pfft.

Buffalo over Kansas City - Another gut pick.  The Chiefs are undefeated, but only by a hair.  Are they that good?  The Bills are up and down and win weird games and they are at home.  Could be a blow out that will change my mind.  Could be the Chiefs lose.  My bookie and I thought we had to go crazy this week for a win.  This was one of those games.

Dallas over Minnesota - I thought maybe I should gut this one to the Vikings, but with all their issues at quarterback and injuries I went with Romo and company.

Tennessee over St. Louis - This game I went back and forth on and couldn't tell you why I went with the Titans.  Like the Bills, they just win odd games that they weren't suppose to win.  The Rams meanwhile lost their quarterback and actually tried to convince Brett Favre to come out of retirement to help them.  Seemed desperate to me.

New Orleans over the Jets - The Jets are doing things that no one thought they could, but only once in a blue moon.  The Saints meanwhile just keep marching on.

Washington over San Diego - Another one of those crazy picks to shake up things in the pool.  No rhyme or reason here, just a belief that RGIII is working on coming back healthy and strong.  Of course, he got hurt last week, but he swore it was nothing, just like last year.  What was I thinking?

Carolina over Atlanta - The Falcons are probably one of the saddest teams right now with tons of potential and a high paid quarterback and not enough wins in the column.  Cam Newton and the Panthers' MO is to kill these down on their luck teams by a wide margin so I went with them.

Oakland over Philadelphia - The Raiders aren't great.  The Eagles aren't great.  Someone has to win today so I went with the home team who I watched play last week.

Seattle over Tampa Bay - Do I really have to explain this pick?

Baltimore over Cleveland - Could be the Browns kick butt today, but I didn't feel it.  The Ravens had rest last week.

New England over Pittsburgh - Yep.  First time I haven't picked my own team.  Traitor.  Yep.  I feel  terrible.  Traitor.  Yep.  I've lost faith.  Traitor.  Doesn't mean I won't cheer for them and agonize and pray for them to win.  Traitor.  Just means I'm thinking the other team is better and has a better chance of winning, and therefore winning me some money.  Traitor.  Or maybe I'm thinking that when they read this blog entry it will motivate them and they will win.  Crackpot.

Indianapolis over Houston - Both teams coming off a week of rest.  The Texans at home.  Yeah, this is another sad little team like the Falcons.  Should have done more.  Should have been more.  I took the Colts.

Green Bay over Chicago - Great rivalry.  Aaron Rogers will do enough to win.

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