Monday, October 27, 2014

NFL Monday morning recap - week #8

Steelers: Holy Bumble Bees! What a game! Glad it came out with a win on our end, but to be perfectly honest with everyone I felt the win all week. We  play well in those uniforms at home. We do. Seriously. I LOVE those uniforms and I don't care what anyone says about them.

Throwback Uniforms - I guess I already talked about those above, but I'll mention them again. I don't know why everyone hates them. I don't think they are that awful. At one point the Steelers wore those stripes going in the opposite direction making them look like jailers so...

Big Ben - First and only quarterback to have multiple (2) 500+ yard games. Woo Hoo. He was a beast yesterday throwing for 522 yards, going 40 of 49, and finishing with six touchdowns. He was 33 yards shy of the all time record, but the Steelers ran the ball with a little over two minutes left in the game. He was quick in the pocket and really only had to scramble a couple of times, one time practically shaking off a defender who was holding his leg. I bet he practices that at home with his son.

Post Game Conference - Humble Ben. He looked good and said everything right. "Like I said it's not me. Those guys gave me time up front and everyone else made plays." He has come a long way.

Offensive Line - I always yell at them in this column/blog entry so this time I shall bow down to the greatness they showed yesterday. It was incredible. They gave Ben so much time that he was so relaxed and patient in the pocket. That was some awesome protection of the quarterback.

William Gay Dance - The cornerback intercepted Colts Andrew Luck and took the ball 33 yards into the end zone for a touchdown and then because he was so pumped to have finally done something right that he began, uh, dancing? He did this little short step strut on his tip toes with his hands up by his helmet like he had antennas. The NFL Network's Amber Theoharis called it the Funky Wasp. I actually got up after that pick and danced with him. Oh, yes I did!

James Harrison - If you are going to argue that you still have game in you, then showing that you do is key. Welcome back James Harrison!

Antonio Brown - As always this man is money. He had two catches, one in the end zone, that were again phenomenal. I don't know how these guys make these catches, but this guy is one of the top five for sure. And I shook his hand in Pittsburgh when I was there.

Martavis Bryant - Well, Welcome to Pittsburgh buddy. Hoping he does more of what he did today; making key catches and scoring touchdowns to take the heat off of Brown.

Safety - Andrew Luck got tripped up on the five yard line, fell backward with the ball in the end zone, and hoping no one noticed threw it away. Unfortunately no one was around in the vicinity of where he threw the ball and even if there had been someone there video showed that Luck couldn't see a damn thing when he threw the ball. Either way it was ruled intentional grounding and since he was lying back in the end zone it was a safety and the Steelers upped their score by two points.

Phil and Jim - These two announcers rub me wrong; Phil Simms and Jim Nantz. Too much lip.

Andrew Luck - I like him. I don't like his beard. Dude, you are so good and you will end up being one of the greats. Set a standard yourself and stop copying all that beard nonsense. You look like a little kid playing dress up with a dead animal tail.


Celebrating - I've said it once, and by golly I'll say it again: Stop celebrating as you run toward the end zone. Yesterday during the Bills game receiver Sammy Watkins started celebrating his touchdown before he, well, made said touchdown and he was brought down short of making that touchdown. And while I'm griping about that, what is with everyone looking behind them to see how close defenders are? When I was a swim coach I forbid swimmers from rolling their heads to the side to see where their opponents were. Why? Keep your eyes straight ahead and focus. Jeez, run like a maniac with a knife is behind you. Think Freddie Kruger! Run like your life depends on it to the end zone and stop checking out where everyone else is.

JETS - One of the fans was wearing a shirt with the JETS on it and next to each letter it said: J-ust E-ndure T-he S-uffering. Nothing was more suffering then having to watch the Jets try a trick play by having T.J. Graham lying in the end zone during a kick off. I guess the plan was for the receiver to catch the ball and then throw it to Graham, but seriously? Are the Jets really that desperate? Did they think that the Bills wouldn't notice someone lying down on the field? Sadly, the play did not work and the Jets lost again.

Tampa - Fumble in overtime to lose the game after coming back from zero after half time. Sad, sadder, and just plain sobbing. Hold the ball! The NFL has two new things that stand out now; quarterbacks throwing more and guys trying to pop the ball out of hands. Squeeze that ball like it's your baby, would you?

England - I forgot all about this yearly gig for two teams until I realized my recorder wasn't recording Fox's pre-game show. I turned on the television and got to see the last ten minutes and Detroit beat the Falcons in London. I find the whole lets travel across the ocean for one week thing odd, but the stands are always crowded and boy, did the fans get a game. The Lions missed the go ahead field goal with four seconds on the clock, but oops a penalty. The penalty was actually on the Lions for delay of game which put them 5 yards back and gave them a re-do. This time the Lions kicker Prater made it and bam game over.

Chicago - Every year a team has issues in the locker room and on the field and this year it looks like the Bears. Last week we had the whole Brandon Marshall yelling in the locker room and this week we have Lamarr Houston celebrating in the fourth quarter for sacking, not Tom Brady, but his back-up. He started acting like he had stopped a huge play for the win, (the score was 48-23 with the Bears on the losing side of that) skipping and jumping, and when he came down from that big jump he injured himself and had to be carted off the field. Word is he is scheduled for an MRI on his knee and it doesn't look good. So pitiful. More nonsense celebrating.

Jay Cutler - Terry Bradshaw wants him to smile and have some fun on the field. I just want him to throw away that jacket he was wearing at his post game conference. I didn't find it a good luck. Perhaps he needs to take note of Steelers Antonio Brown's look from his post game conference from Monday night.

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