Thursday, November 20, 2014

Photos from Indiana

Because you haven't had enough of these...

The first night I got there Gabby Ollie wanted to show me all of his outfits. He did a little fashion show for me. This is his Halloween costume.

This is his raincoat, although I noticed he did not wear this when he went out into the snow.

This is his Christmas sweater, and after he saw this great picture I took of him in it with the Christmas  candle back drop he chose this photo as his Christmas card.

My baby bro. He and I spent Monday conducting business and then driving around town. Driving with him is exhausting an entertainment all in itself.

Did you really think I wouldn't post a fall photo? 

After the chemo treatment and after a big meal. Good thing I can keep myself entertained.

I didn't take this photo, but I wanted the cat, Zoie, to have her time on the blog too. Here she is asking Rusty for some toothpaste, an obsession of hers. She spent her days in my room hiding from the dog because she wasn't allowed in her normal space, the master bedroom, due to chemo rules.

My second snow person, Priscilla, after the first one, Harvey, bled red gobstoppers all over his front making him look like a frozen homicide victim.

The Christmas bulbs that my brother kept tweaking with his fingers, which in turn caused his wife to yell at him to stop, which made him tweak it harder. Oh, and a picture of my niece actually smiling in a photo.

This was a fire pit outside a restaurant at the mall. People actually stopped to warm their hands as they made their way from the parking lot. I wanted to tell them to just go inside for warmth, but maybe it was the novelty of it.

A food photo because cancer and snow does not stop this family from eating.

Family. Awe!

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