Thursday, February 05, 2015

Originally meant to be this post but is now this post

I feel I have embraced this whole social media thing pretty well. I love Twitter. I use Instagram fairly regularly. I check Facebook daily. The other day someone posted something of interest to me on Facebook. It was an article about cool things to do to make your situations and things in life simpler. I was so excited to see some of the creative things I could immediately act on and showed my daughter. She smiled her she-is-so-behind-the-times-god-love-her smile, and when I inquired why that face she told me all of those things she had already seen on Pinterest.

The one think I have not jumped on is Pinterest. I have an account, but let's face it, crafty I am not, and I find Pinterest mostly an arts and crafty thing. Once in a blue moon I find myself on it when researching something, but I find it confusing. I think the only thing I have "pinned" is some Pittsburgh Steelers emblem that I put on there to show my team. Madison, on the other hand, is a Pinterest fanatic. Whenever I see her hunched over her phone I know she is on the site pinning and viewing and planning, and I have to say that I have enjoyed several of the dishes she has discovered on Pinterest.

I so enjoyed this Pinterest Facebook link that I thought I would try some of the suggestions on it and then post it and my experience on here. I wrote the following after I tried it and planned on adding the others as I tried them:

  1. Foil in the dryer - Living in Florida, we have very few days of static electricity worry, but when we do have cold days like the ones we've had lately I have to add a sheet to my dryer to avoid getting shocked by certain items. I had read about how fabric softener and dryer sheets gunk up your clothes and towels, not to mention the lint trap, so this alternative seemed a dream come true. Take a piece of aluminium foil and wad it up into a ball. Throw it into the dryer with your wet, clean clothes and turn on the dryer. When the load is done there will be no static cling. And there wasn't. I've used the same wadded up foil ball now for the last week and still have yet to be shocked. I love it!
Unfortunately, when I went back to Facebook I couldn't find the darned article, and I couldn't remember who had posted it in the beginning. I spent quite a bit of time trying to locate it and the friend, and finally I turned to the Internet and instead found something even more interesting. How to find posts on Facebook search got me not only the answer to that question, but a few more vital usages I had no idea about.

  1. Searching posts - If you want to find a post that you remembering seeing, but can't remember which friend posted it, you can just type keywords into the Search Facebook and it will hopefully pop up for easy clicking. Because I didn't really remember the title of mine or any keywords I was not successful in finding my post.
  2. Saving posts - There are a lot of recipes that I see on Facebook that I want to try and my girls showed me how to take a picture of it using my Iphone or Ipad, but that is so passe'. In the upper right hand corner of a post is an arrow pointing down. Click on this arrow and a drop down menu will appear. Choose the Save option and the post will go into a Saved File that you can access hand side of  your Facebook page under your News Feed.
  3. Hidden messages - In your Messenger in the upper left hand corner it says Inbox and it is always highlighted when you go into Messenger. But next to Inbox there is Other. Tap on Other and you will find messages from people who are not your friends. 
The Save post was my favorite bit of information found until I read about the Hidden messages. I immediately went onto my Facebook and tried it and discovered I had six messages dating back to 2009! Two of them were from men who wanted to meet me. WHAT? One guy gave me all sorts of personal information and asked me tons of questions. The other guy told me that my profile picture looked "interesting and gorgeous" which made me snicker since my profile is of my dog! But then I realized this was from 2010 and who knows what photo I used then. Most likely one from the 80's. Two other messages were worthless and uninteresting. One was from someone who I'm friends with now and the other one, OMG, was very cool. 

It was from a woman who gave me her name and the link to her page. She told me that she use to babysit my brother and me when I lived in Pennsylvania (and she named the neighborhood). She wrote that she was thinking about "moms" who had influenced her through the years and that my mother was at the top of the list. She told me how my mother had influenced her and said that she would love for me to pass that on to her and to say hello. The sad thing about it was that she wrote it in 2013, almost a year prior to my mother's death. I could have done that very thing if I had only known!

So there Pinterest! 

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