Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Out of the mouths of my babe

Darcy: "Did you go to the grocery store today?"

Me: "No, I'm going now. I waited for you to get home because I know how much you love to go."

Darcy: "I can't do it this week. I have too much homework."

Me: "Okay, then I'll go now."

Darcy: "Can you get me some stuff? Put it on your list?"

Me: "What stuff?"

Darcy: "Well, I need Lay's Sour Cream and Onion potato chips. They are buy one, get one free."

Me: "Uh huh. Is that it?"

Darcy: "I need cookie dough mix. Peanut butter with chocolate chips. Times 2".

Me: "Another buy one, get one free?"

Darcy: "No, but they are on sale. Do you know what kind I mean? The Nestle (ˈnesəl) kind."

Me: "The what kind?"

Darcy: "Nestle (ˈnesəl)"

Me: "Ah, that is so adorable. Nestle instead of Nestle's (Nestlé)"

Darcy: "Oh. Really? All this time I thought it was Nestle. Whatever. Can you get them?"

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