Friday, October 16, 2015

From the archives - Things I miss

I'm on...wait. What am I on? I'm sure my husband and youngest would say vacation, but I wouldn't call it that. I'm visiting my eldest at college. Checking in on her. Making sure she really is as happy and stress free as she looks over facetime. Replenishing her supplies. The fact that she is off of school for a few days and we are traveling to Myrtle Beach? That's work. I'm checking in on my Wyndham's. Making sure they are kosher for guests that might want to travel using my points. My brother is hooking up with me there for the same reason I'm sure. It just happens to coincide with his daughter's vacation and his 50th anniversary.

I'm on a business trip and not sure how much blogging will get done in between beaching, swimming, shopping meetings, software updates, and classes so I'm pulling out more archive entries from my first blog. I'll blog the trip later when I return.

 May 2004
Things I Miss

  • Seeing my Dad
  • Starsky & Hutch, Charlies' Angels and Donny & Marie
  • Coaching my OMCC kids
  • The comfort and security of thumb sucking
  • Slumber parties
  • Nursing my girls
  • Going to McDonalds on Saturdays with my Dad and Bob Wellmeyer
  • Bowling on Saturdays and going for ice cream afterwards
  • Summers in the Oak Meadow pool
  • My brother's eyelashes and how they turned into little stars when swimming
  • Christmases with the Smith family
  • That first time of falling love
  • Playing Barbies
  • Falling asleep on the couch while my parents watch golf on TV
  • Opening a new box of Crayola crayons
  • Pizza Oven pizza
  • Peeing in the shower with our bathing suits on at work
  • 8200 Pine Creek Dr.
  • Aces Basketball games
  • My friend Karen B's funny humor
  • Riding the bus
  • Being pregnant
  • My Dad's cigars and his little black books
  • My family at the Highlander Pool
  • Getting to pick and sing songs in Mrs. Waite's music class
  • Ding Dongs
  • Seeing without contacts
  • Being friends with Michelle
  • My kids as babies and then toddlers
  • Playing cards
  • Wacky stickers
  • Watching John McEnroe, Martina Navratilova, Larry Bird, and Terry Bradshaw play sports
  • My wooden little people set
  • Singing songs out the bedroom window with my friends
  • Shooting hoops in the driveway
  • Marathon bars and Zots
  • My tooth before it cracked
  • The "dant dadadant dant" knock we always did before opening the neighbors door and going inside
  • My purple fire hydrant
  • Chili nights with Sharon Lea
  • Putting on plays and shows in my backyard
  • 45 and 33 records
  • Winning ribbons for swimming
  • Mr. Wooten's high school classes
  • Lifeguarding
  • Parking the car in front of my old house
  • Meet the Creeps
  • Visiting in my Aunt Helen's kitchen
  • Riding in the back of a station wagon
  • The old oak tree at Oak Meadow
  • Nance's Store
  • Working Friday nights at the Courier
  • Watching home movies with my Dad
  • Friday nights at Clearwater Beach
It's funny to read back through that list. It's great to see how some of the stuff I missed is back in my life. I played Barbies with my girls. I've opened new crayons. I've had Pizza Oven pizza every time I got back home. Thanks to Facebook I'm back in touch with Michelle, Karen B., Mr. Wooten, and many of the Highlander Pool crowd. Ding Dongs are still around although I don't eat them. I'm seeing without contacts thanks to surgery. I play cards much more especially with my girls. My wooden people set, while not fully all together, ended up back here with me and my girls played with it. I can find Zots now. My tooth is fixed. I have the tapes to Meet the Creeps and it brings me to teenage giggles still. I have my 33 and 45 records and a player to play them on. Ah, life. Sometimes it comes full circle. 

Here is my list of things I miss now in no particular order:
  • Talking with my Mother
  • My girls being little
  • Drinking water from the faucet
  • Little Magnum
  • The companionship and communication of having a job outside the home
  • Ghosts in the Graveyard
  • Wearing flipflops all day or going barefoot without my back and knees hurting
  • My neighbor Howard
  • Sleeping on my stomach
  • Euchre games with the OMCC group
  • Jumping on the bed
  • Knowing the people who work at my gym
  • Hugs from my Dad
  • My permed, long hair and wearing kerchiefs in it
  • Swimming laps
  • Walking the dogs with Garnet
  • The Evergreen Acres bike trails
  • Kissing Madison at night
  • No responsibility
  • Chatting and laughing with Murphy
  • The lifeguard room at Oak Meadow
  • Fall weather
  • What is what like when I didn't have hot flashes
  • Swim practices
  • Making leaf houses and playing outdoors all day long
  • Eating ice cream for dinner
  • Hanging out with Kim and Steph
  • Teaching kids to swim
  • My skinny body
  • Living in Indiana
  • Believing in Santa Claus
  • My huge purple sunglasses and my Shit Happens sunglasses
  • Working with Mr. Lane
  • Looking in the mirror and not seeing deep circles under my eyes
  • My youth

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