Monday, December 07, 2015

Monday NFL recap = week #13

Steelers: One, I called the Antonio Brown 71 yard punt return for the touchdown. I have proof. My husband was right there when I told Brown to do just that. Second, I laughed my head off at his stupidity of running body and head first into the goal post and getting flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct. Third, can we not play like that from now until the Super Bowl?

  • The game started off with a fumble by the Steelers and then an interception thrown by the Colts all before one minute had come off the clock.
  • Not sure what was wrong with Jacoby Jones tonight, but frankly I'd rather have AB running back the punts.
  • I was thrilled to see Ben take a chance and run on a third down that we needed at the time, but I also understood when the entire crowd at Heinz Field shouted, "Get down!" after he made the first down and kept running.
  • The discussion of age was really running rampant from Al Michaels and Chris Collinsworth in the booth. I was really tired of hearing about how shocked they seem to be about the elderly players from Colts Hasselbeck to Steelers Roethlisberger, Williams, and Harrison. Yee Gads! Old people have feelings too and can still play!
  • I started rethinking my Beckham point below (written before the Steelers game) after Antonio Brown's 80 yard catch at the end of the third quarter. I think he might just be the better receiver.
  • Roethlisberger's faith in Brown when he just launches the ball up and far down the field is amazing. The two of them mesh like peanut butter and jelly.
  • The game was full of stripping balls last night with both teams realizing that was a good way to go. What? That thought just came up?
  • Why was Al Michaels wearing his big, black, poofy winter jacket in the broadcast booth? What the Steelers don't put these guys inside?
  • A lot of good quotes came out of the broadcast tonight. One of my favorites was from DeAngelo Williams who told Chris Collinsworth, "Whoever said you can't teach an old dog new tricks was never an old dog." Amen Williams!
  • The next best quote came after Antonio Brown smacked into the goal post after his punt return for a TD. Apparently he was trying to "stick to it", but instead just looked like an idiot and almost knocked himself out. Collinsworth said, "The biggest hit Antonio Brown takes all night is from the goal post."
  • Tomlin will have a talk with AB about that nonsense in the end zone. I know he just wants to have fun, but really? He's lucky he got up and walked away from that one. 
  • Before the Steelers game I only had 36 fantasy football points. After the game I had over 103. Whoop!

  • Congratulations to Fox for their wonderful, informative, heartfelt pregame show from Pearl Harbor. Totally awesome.
  • I follow Fox's Jay Glazer on Twitter and Instagram so I did know about his MVP program (Merging Vets and Players) that was featured on the pregame show. A worthy cause and another reminder for all of us that sports ain't all flowers and unicorns and tons of money. The two groups, vets and players, have way more in common and are helping each other recovering from their injuries and post work issues. 
  • Gotta give Packers Richard Rogers more than the hail mary catch that won the game because that boy stood in the right spot, off to the side of the crowd, patiently watching where the ball was going and then he just calmly slid to the right and jumped up for the touchdown. I wouldn't call that a fluke. I'd call that smart.
  • Marcus Mariota got some nice blocking in the fourth quarter to allow him to zig zag down the field 87 yards, but it was the Titans fan dressed as a giant pineapple cheering him on that had my mouth agape.
  • The Bucs penalties are not only killing their team, but their killing me in fantasy football with all the yards nulled for Doug Martin. While the 8 penalties were half as many as their worst in week 7 it still cost me them 53 yards. Stop it!
  • Miami's Lamar Miller got a bit cocky after his catch against Baltimore. He thought he would be cute with a little stutter stepping dance certainly did not fool his opponent and instead of getting past the defender he fumbled and lost the ball. "Don't forget the football son," the Redzone announcer advised him when calling the game.
  •  I know that Steelers Antonio Brown thinks he is the best receiver in the league, but I'll make the case for Odem Beckham Jr. After getting a flag for delay of game for kicking the football after Manning overthrew him, he made one of his great catches on fourth down to keep the Giants alive in overtime. His catches, especially last week's one hander, are beyond impressive.
  • Chargers coach Mike McCoy needs sunscreen on that bald spot he has on the top of his head. Hey, coach, you live in a sunny area. Sunscreen! Or a hat that isn't a visor.
  • The first ever NFL blocked extra point return was recorded yesterday in the Saints/Panthers game, and I was glad to find out it had never been done before because I have to admit I had no idea what the hell was going on. 
  • While Panther's quarterback Cam Newton didn't do any ridiculous silliness while running toward the end zone in the third quarter he did slow down his speed and tried to score nonchalantly. Instead of scoring Newton was stopped short of the goal line and hit helmet to helmet. First of all, there was no flag for the hit to the head. Secondly, here is another example of that stupid running, jumping, somersaulting crap into the end zone. "He kind of slow plays it here at the end," said Joe Buck. "I'm with you it looked like Cam Newton was coasting," weighed in Troy Aikman. He was. And guess what? He didn't get in.

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