Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Oh, no he didn't

Maddy flew back to college on Sunday during my televised Steelers game. I announced that morning the time I thought we should leave and then I was immersed in football. At the time I felt was a good time to head to the airport I sent my DVR and loudly told everyone it was time to go. Immediately, Madison jumped up and began running around the house collecting things she needed to pack. Tom asked if the boarding pass had been printed, and when he found out that she hadn't done that, he began lecturing.

Tom: "You should have already done that. Madison! What are you doing? The boarding pass needs to be printed."

Madison: "Okay. Can you do it?"

Me: "She can't do it Tom as you made the reservation. It is in the site under your name and password."

Tom: "I don't believe that. You should know how to do that. You go to the site and check in."

The two of them went around and around on this with Tom finally printing the pass and Madison finishing packing. We were out the door fifteen minutes later than the time I thought we should have left. About halfway to the airport Madison suddenly realized she didn't have her phone. She casually turned around in the front seat to me riding in the back seat where I was watching game updates on my phone. She asked me to call her phone. Immediately, Tom was all over that.

Tom: "What? Where is your phone? You don't have your phone? How can you not have your phone?"

Madison: "I forgot it with all the yelling you were doing about the boarding pass."

Me: "I used "Find my Iphone" and it is at home. I remember seeing it in the Steelers room."

All the way back to the house Tom lectured.

Tom: "You should have to go without it. Anyone that forgets his phone should have to go without it. Who leaves their phone? That's crazy!"

Me: "Ok, Dad, but I need my phone. It has all of my stuff on it for school. I need it to contact the bus driver to get me home or if I can't find the bus I have to call an uber."

Tom: "Well, you should have thought of that before you forgot your phone. How can you not have your phone? It's a piece of you. It's ridiculous. You should have your phone. That's the most important thing you should have thought of."

Madison: "I thought it was a boarding pass."

Tom: "That too. The phone and the boarding pass and ID. I mean, really, you forgot your phone? You should have to go without it for the next ten days."

Madison: "You already said that and besides we are almost home."

She got her phone and we started back to the airport now WAY past the time I initially told everyone to be ready to leave. Tom remarked once more about how no one should forget their phone and then he concentrated on driving. I was busy watching game updates and announcing them from the back seat so I missed Tom's searching around his seat, but Madison didn't.

Madison: "What are you doing? You're not even looking at the road."

Tom: "I'm looking for my phone."

Madison: "You shouldn't be using your phone while driving."

Tom: "I had it right here in my hand.  Did it fall? Do you see it?" He turned to me in the back seat. "Use that "Find my Iphone" to see where my phone is."

Me: "Seriously? Why wouldn't it be here? No one should be without his phone. Isn't that what you just said?"

Tom: "Exactly. Can you find my phone?"

It too was back at the house. I announced that information like I was announcing the arrival of a King. Tom's shoulders slumped.

Madison: "Dad? Did you forget your phone?"

Me: "And what in the world was in your hand a moment ago that resembled a phone? I mean, who forgets his phone? That's crazy. Your phone is the most important thing. Really? You forgot your phone?"

Tom: "Okay, go ahead. Get it out of your system."

And we did. All the way to the airport.

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