Thursday, February 18, 2016

Old pictures - Indiana Theme

I was born in Indiana, but then we moved to various states as my Dad's job demanded eventually ending back in Indiana where we stayed. I count my childhood as a Hoosier one despite several years in Pennsylvania. When my mother in her later years would bemoan her lack of mothering skills and voice regrets I assured her that we had a great childhood. And we did. I've enjoyed reliving a lot of it through these old pictures and today's theme will be photos from my childhood growing up in Indiana. (I may have posted some of these's hard to remember)

I really don't remember what this was all about except it was obviously some theme for school or Girl Scouts. I think my neighbor must have made the outfit as my mother's sewing abilities were VERY limited and this picture is taken outside my neighbor's house. The hat is one of the souvenirs my parents brought back from Nassau. I kept the outfit for years in my box of handmade keepsakes.

I suppose this doesn't fall under the "happy childhood" memory, but I thought it hilarious. First, because my mother was SO not the girly, girl type yet she insisted on twisting my hair at night into little curls that she held in place with bobby pins and then tied the scarf around to keep it all together. Secondly, because my dad loved taking photos of you when you didn't want him to.

And this would be one of those "didn't want you to take a picture" pictures. We have a lot of photos taken while we were sitting at this kitchen table. Usually in the morning when we were still sleepy, in our pajamas, and with our hair every which way.

I still have this cat and for a time I had my brother's Humpty, but I think I gave it up when I moved here to Florida. I also still have the twin blanket that went with the pink one that is on this bed. It belonged to my grandmother and has her initials embroidered on it. It is on Madison's bed now and I use it when I nap in her room.

These two with my brother and me are my neighbors from across the street, minus their sister. We took these two to our farm for fishing and fun in 1972. Their sister got her own trip later and I remember her time at the farm more then I remember this one.

And that's apparently because I was napping through most of it.

The first pool we joined was Old State Country Club and this picture is from there with our old neighbors visiting from Pennsylvania. Our mothers were so chic in those bikinis! My brother does this peace sign in a lot of photos from back in the day and it is very fitting because his daughter does that nonsense in a lot of photos I have of her!

I scanned this picture backwards I see, but it cracks me up. This is a first day of school picture. What is in that bag I'm carrying? My lunch? My school books? I don't know the date of this one, but has to be the seventies by looking at our pants and belts.

This picture goes with the first one I think since we are in the same pajamas. I apparently was happier at first. I like the picture because it shows our playroom downstairs and all of my treasures. The horse ended up here in Florida and both my girls rode it until it got too rusted and my husband threw it out. I still have the rocking chair and many little kids have used that. The table and chairs I saved, but they got lost in the flood we had years later. That record player I got on my first birthday and I used that thing forever along with the record case that I can still remember how it smelled when opened. I think these were lost in the damn flood too. Once my record player stopped working and my dad opened it up to fix it. Inside was a screwdriver and a flashlight he had left in there from the previous repair job. I still have all of my records and those read along books. Rusty's toy box and that other box also were lost in the flood. Good stuff back in the day. I'm glad to have salvaged some of it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    My first thought was wow look at those bikinis! Amazing.
