Monday, February 29, 2016

Two month resolution check

Two month resolution check. I grade from 1-10 with 10 being the highest. Remember, this is early in the year so don't expect too much too soon.
  1. To get into a routine with my physical therapy exercises and to have massages - I have not had a massage and so that has thrown me. Is this a two part resolution? Do I grade all together or separate? If I did one, but not the other how do I grade that? Hmmmm...I have yet to establish a daily routine, but I have done my exercises. Just not every day which I know I meant when I made the resolution so I'll have to downgrade on this one. Grade: 4
  2. To be serious about getting healthy; lose weight, exercise regularly, swim - I have started that today actually. Seriously. I mean, really truly. Today. Can you believe I forgot the past two months? I blame our "cold" weather. Grade: 0
  3. To celebrate people's birthdays via my blog - YES! YES! I have done this in spades and even gone beyond what I suggested. Boom Baby! Grade: 10
  4. To scan all my photos and organize them on the computer - Here again is another ambiguous statement. ALL? I suppose ALL means by the end of the year so I'm treating this as a chore like all the rest of my resolutions. An ongoing project accumulating in the finished byproduct of ALL by the end of the year. So, YES! I have scanned pictures almost every day and I've worked so hard on them that I dream of these damn pictures most nights. Grade: 10
  5. To work on myself mentally - I forgot that this one was on here, BUT I have sought out spiritual guidance and have worked hard at thinking positively and having faith in the good in life. Grade: 6
Total Score: 30 out of 50 - Well, I did better then I thought. I still need to work on the first two, but as I said before I started working on that today. I went to the gym, did my physical therapy exercises afterwards on their tables, grocery shopped for healthy food items, and am currently drinking a homemade smoothie made out of yogurt, almond milk, and strawberries. Go girl!

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