Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Happy Birthday Shout Out #7

Today is my friend SueG's birthday. Her name is really Susan, but everyone in my life is a Susan and so to make it easier when referring to her I shortened it to Sue and added a G for her last name. When it was all put together it came out SueG like Suegee. My mother asked if she were Portuguese. She isn't.

Her brother is my girls' pediatrician and he recommended me for swimming lessons for her children who were two and five years old at the time. That's how we met. I worked for her teaching lessons in a very cold pool, and one day I called and suggested we do the lessons in my heated pool. She agreed, arrived at my house, and said something so funny that I burst out laughing and we became fast friends.

She is the Curly to my Moe. The ying to my yang. She is a giver and will do anything for her peeps. She taught Darcy how to drive and has already agreed to work with Maddy on her skills this summer. She was one of the few friends who hung in with me during my time of caring for my  mother sending me encouraging texts and taking me out for coffee. She has helped me wash my carpets, paint my kitchen, and clear out The Condo. She joins me on adventures and gets me free parking at the beach. She is the reason why my mouth has not cleaned up, but she is also my motivator when I tell her I want to get to the gym.

They say in life you can count your real friends on one hand. SueG has a finger on my hand. Happy Birthday Friend who doesn't read my blog unless I whine a whole bunch and who will probably never see this post. May your day and your year be the best ever! Hugs.

1 comment:

  1. You're wrong...I did read it!! Thanks for all you do too my dear friend! Love you!😙
