Sunday, April 23, 2017

Happy 22nd, no 23rd, Anniversary

In my youth, when the children were younger I hung out with other women who either had no husbands or had husbands like mine who worked 24/7. That has dwindled now that the children are driving, but back in the day I had a posse. My husband used to joke that he had several wives, and my three peeps, Jyoti, Kelly, and Susan all considered themselves Tom's other women, and the order changed depending on who hung out that week the longest with Tom.

That standard joke fell to the wayside in high school, but this past week Tom and I went to dinner with Jyoti after taking photos of the girls for prom, and both of them mentioned how good it was to be back together. Ha ha. Yesterday while Tom was eating breakfast and I was doctoring my coffee, his phone charging on the counter pinged.

Me: "Your girlfriend is texting you."
Tom: "Yep."

He continued eating. I continued my doctoring. The phone pinged again as a reminder that he had a message, and then it instantly pinged again as another text hit. Seeing as I was on my way to the table, passing by the phone on the counter, I decided to be nosy take a peek.

Me: "Your girlfriend is insistent. Bossy, little thing, huh?"
Tom: "No kidding."
Me: "Let me just see what she wants."

I turned the phone over to glance at it, sure it was work related, because come on, are women really still out there wanting married men? (Insert emoji with rolling eyes) But there on my husband's screen were two text messages from another woman! Another woman! And the other woman was my SIL.

Me: "What the? Susan! Your messing around with my brother's wife?"
Tom: "Is that really who it's from?"
Me: "What? You have others?"

I spit my coffee all over the counter laughing. Tom was laughing. I mean, what were the chances that the texts were truly from another woman? She was texting him to remind him that our anniversary was the next day. I immediately texted her back to let her know she had been caught. She texted back that she hoped I would return the favor with my brother. I didn't have the heart to tell her I had no idea when their anniversary was, although I think it is in October.

Now, of course, I'll never know if my husband remembered or not. Usually, I'm the one who forgets, but I had remembered several weeks earlier after my co-worker asked me how long I had been married. She is in her twenties and has been with her significant other for a couple of years and wanted me to "give her hope" for a long term relationship. I had no idea how long I had been married and had to think about that one, and then explain about my odd numbered problem with dates, not to mention that math isn't my best subject. But having this conversation reminded me the anniversary was coming up, and so I was prepared, and wondering if he would remember.

Friday, while at work I reminded my co-worker that my anniversary was Sunday, and then I Googled the 23rd anniversary to get some gift ideas. It came back with "silver plated" and some ideas were jewelry, picture frames, and door knockers. Door knockers? I told my co-worker I would just paint my nipples silver and call it a day, and she fell out of her chair laughing. I'm probably not a good role model.

This morning my husband and I exchanged anniversary cards and kisses and hugs. His card said, "Happy 22nd Anniversary" so I did get one up on him, and he spent some time sheepishly working the math. I told him this is why I have girlfriends to keep me on top of my game.

Tom: "Obviously, your girlfriends are better than mine."

Hopefully, next year his girlfriend my SIL will remind him how many years.

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