Saturday, April 22, 2017

Prom 2017

I have never been someone who enjoyed dressing up. I blame my mother who didn't wear make-up or dresses, but when I had two daughters I made sure that they were comfortable wearing whatever, and had my friend Kelly give them make-up applying lessons. They both enjoy getting dolled up for special occasions, Darcy more than Madison. She has been looking forward to doing just that for her last prom.

She, being my spendthrift, bought her dress online months ago for less than fifty dollars. Tom and I were out to eat when she texted us, asking if she could purchase it.

Me: "Absolutely! Great price. But you'll have to wait until I get home to give you the credit card number."
Darcy: "No. I have it memorized."

Since the dress arrived she has been slowly gathering items to go with it. She borrowed shoes. She ordered "sticky boobs". She bought make-up, jewelry, and a bow to put on the dog for pictures. (The bow turned out to be the wrong color and so he didn't get to wear it).

Normally, these kids don't pair up for dances unless they have a significant other, and most of her friend group doesn't have that. For senior prom, however, many of them wanted to have a date. Without going into details and pissing off my daughter, let's just say that Darcy cut to the chase when it came to her date. (She is the me I am now, and Madison is the me (and Tom) I was during my school years.)

Darcy: "I'm going off to college. I don't need to set off with the baggage of a boyfriend for heaven's sake. That's ridiculous."

I like to think it is because she will be focused on her school work. So she and her good friend, Tim, went to prom together. He and his parents came over for the picture moments. The sun wasn't in a good spot at the time so my pictures suck in my front yard suck. Plus, I still had the heebie jeebies from the whole rat episode, and the entire time I was in the yard I felt like ants were biting me.

All of the kids were taking pictures as a group, and so Tom and I drove south to meet with other parents to take group photos on the water. It was a beautiful night. The kids were all excited, goofy, and enjoying their last high school prom.

Before they headed off to the dance, Darcy began negotiating her curfew. Because her date is eighteen, he isn't confined by a driving curfew as my not quite an adult daughter. I had told her she needed to be home by one and she was working to change that to two.

Darcy: "I think we can maybe go until 2:00?"
Me: "Uh, no. 1:00."
Darcy: "2:00 please..."
Tom: (holding up one finger) "Uno."
Darcy: (holding up two fingers) How about two?"
Tom: (holding up one finger and one thumb and then turning those them into a gun that he pointed at her date) "How about two?"

It was funny, and everyone laughed, but I gave in. She got home at 2:05. She had a great night. I was glad. The final countdown has begun. She has one week left and then her IB exams begin and run through May. Yikes!

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