Tuesday, August 29, 2017

8 month 2017 resolution check

I didn't check in at six months, something I discovered when I sat down to write the eight month check in. No wonder I can't remember half of this things.

I grade from 1-10. I have yet to reach 100% in keeping my resolutions. Already in just reading the first one I know that isn't happening this check in either.

  1. To cut down on my use of the word “fuck” - Why is this a resolution in my world? My best peep uses this word like I use food and since I tend to feed off of those I'm around, I'm a goner. I've been trying not to use the word around others, but while SnapChatting yesterday with my SIL I used it at least five times and only realized when my brother, in the background, said, "Hey, watch your mouth!" like he was my parent. I don't even think I can give myself a score this check in. Grade:  0
  2. To be better in touch with family, especially those who live locally. - This one has been one that I've worked hard on and remembered and consider a success. Social media makes that easier as does visits to Florida from family. I've kept in touch with both sides of the family or they have with us and bam. Resolution in the bag. Grade: 10
  3. To lose weight…any amount. - Ugh. What? This too was a resolution along with number one? I forgot about it too. I did start back up to the gym yesterday, but I suppose that doesn't even warrant a point. This new writing career doesn't help in this either as I'm sitting all the time. Still, I have four more months to get this one in the bag. Grade: 0
  4. To Rent/Sell The Condo and the Wyndham: I feel that I've at least worked toward this goal and in my grading of my resolutions that counts. I met with my BIL who rents property and we discussed options. I spoke with a realtor and we discussed options. I've spoken with someone who knows people that want to purchase in our association. I met with the Wyndham peeps in NYC. The only thing holding me back from completion on this resolution is MY BROTHER who is too "busy with work" to follow through on his responsibilities. Either that or he makes WAY more money than I do to be shelling out toward property that just sits there. Grade: 8
  5. To write a romance novel. - I now belong to the local chapter of romance writers and have spent two months with them. I attended the national conference and learned tons. I'm rolling on this one and maybe, just maybe, might get the damn thing finished if I get into some sort of daily writing routine along with exercising. Grade: 10
  6. To find my next chapter, by trying new things, and by learning to deal with whatever is going on in my head. - Hmmm...in reading this one (and wondering what exactly I meant by it) I'm going to give myself a lot of points just for attending the national romance writer's convention because that was HUGE for me. A week alone in a hotel attending classes with strangers? I haven't done something like that since college? Since I moved to Florida? Trust me, far back. I've signed up for drum lessons. I moved my kid back to NC. Tom and I handled the week without kids like pros and we haven't killed each other yet. I've been outside my head except this past week when I hit another car, but I'm handling that one better now too. Score! Grade: 10
Total: 38 out of 60 - It's more than half so I'll take it. Going to hit these last four months hard. If I can just remember all of these goals. I might have to write them down and put them on my mirror like my mother did with positive sayings. Jeez, that's next year's resolution...not to become my parents.

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