Saturday, December 23, 2017

NFL picks week #16

Last Week - 13 - 3
Overall - 159 - 79

Baltimore over Indianapolis - No way Baltimore loses while in the wildcard hunt.

Minnesota over Green Bay - Put a fork in the Packers. They are done.

Chicago over Cleveland - In the middle of the week I started thinking the Browns might win this one, but I never changed my pick.

Cincinnati over Detroit - Fork these two teams too.

Rams over Tennessee - Not worried that this will go the other way at all.

Kansas City over Miami - The Dolphins shot their wad with the win over the Patriots, have not entry into the playoffs, so really haven't much incentive.

New England over Buffalo - The Patriots are on a mission and will not lose this one.

New Orleans over Atlanta - Drew Brees won't lose this game no matter how hard Matt Ryan fires.

Chargers over Jets - Who would have guessed this, but the Chargers have a shot at the playoffs so they will have to work for it. The Jets? They're done.

Denver over Washington - A toss up here depending on who wants it more. The Redskins are too up and down for me at this point to pick them.

Carolina over Tampa - Yea, the Bucs are forked too.

San Francisco over Jacksonville - The 49ers are on fire now that they've cleaned house. No one will expect them to win...except for Cara.

Dallas over Seattle - Despite Russell Wilson and the love the media has for him, his line sucks. He can't do everything.

Giants over Arizona - Just like the 49ers, I feel the Giants on this one.

Pittsburgh over Houston - We shall see if the boys are serious with this game. We win then we have the bye. We tend to get lazy against iffy teams as if we have no urgent need to win. Frustrating as a fan, but I always have faith.

Philadelphia over Oakland - Nick Foles is doing what I imagine I would do if I got a second chance. Play my heart out and prove the naysayers wrong.

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