Sunday, December 31, 2017

NFL picks week #17

Last Week - 13 - 3
Overall - 161 - 79

How is it that this is the last week? Didn't we just start the season?

Detroit over Green Bay - I just went with the home team here. And maybe with my love of Matthew Stafford.

Indianapolis over Houston - Another meh game like the one above. After watching the Texans last week, I just figured the Colts at home might show up today.

Minnesota over Chicago - The Vikings have to win to clinch home field advantage.

New England over Jets - Same here for the Patriots on the home field advantage. Bellichick isn't going to lose that.

Washington over Giants - I thought maybe the Giants might take this, but the Redskins are just better, when they bother to show up.

Philadelphia over Dallas - This game should be the one worth watching, I believe. Time for Nick Foles to step up.

Pittsburgh over Cleveland - We aren't playing the three B's because this game doesn't much matter. It does if the Patriots lose, but again, J-E-T-S. Not much chance of that and staying healthy is obviously more important for us. That being said, let's see if the Steelers can pull out the win just in case.

Atlanta over Carolina - This is the big game. I went back and forth, and maybe because my nephew's girlfriend whom we just met this holiday is a Falcons fan, I picked the home team. I wanted Cam Newton and company, but I think Emily's fandom pushed me toward Atlanta.

Kansas City over Denver -

Jacksonville over Tennessee - I'm not sure how the Jaquars are the underdogs in this game, but all year they have been misunderstood. Not by me, however, so I went with them.

Rams over San Francisco - The 49ers could win this game now that Garrapolo is in the bay, but my loyalty to my honey McVay influenced my pick.

Miami over Buffalo - I had the Bills, but then I remembered that Miami pulled off the win over the Patriots and I changed my mind. Those who have no dog in the fight always seem to want to prove they should have.

Chargers over Oakland - Yep, I've lost all confidence in the Raiders.

Seattle over Arizona - The Cardinals are forked. The Seahawks need this win.

New Orleans over Tampa Bay - Yep, does anyone want to bet against Drew Brees right now?

Baltimore over Cincinnati - The Ravens want to be in the playoffs. They won't lose.

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