Sunday, December 31, 2017

Good-bye 2017

New Year's Eve. Last day of resolutions before tomorrow's new goals. I'm feeling pretty confident about doing well with these resolutions
  1. To cut down on my use of the word “fuck” - My children are saying I did not accomplish this resolution, although they haven't lived here since August. Darcy: "You did stop using the word, but then you went back to it." Well, okay, then. I'll count that.  Grade:  5
  2. To be better in touch with family, especially those who live locally. - Done! Thanks, SnapChat! Grade: 10
  3. To lose weight…any amount. - Well, like the first resolution, I went down five pounds and then up a few more than five. Ugh. Grade: 5
  4. To Rent/Sell The Condo and the Wyndham: I close on The Condo on January 11th. Done! I also talked to someone regarding the Wyndham so I'm counting that one. BOOM! Grade: 10
  5. To write a romance novel. - I'm in the process of doing this very thing. I'm about 30,000 words of a 50,000-word novel. I have gone to the romance conference and entered two contests for feedback. Done!  Grade: 10
  6. To find my next chapter, by trying new things, and by learning to deal with whatever is going on in my head. - Whatever this one means? Hmmm... I sort of found a chapter in the writing, check. I did try new things; conference, traveling, writing, check, and to be honest I think my head was mostly quiet through the year so I'm going to call this one done, despite my last three months of laziness/depression/not sure what was going on. Grade: 10

Total Score: 50 out of 60 - Yes! Either I've learned to make resolutions that are doable, or I've worked really hard. Maybe a little of both? This was a year of endings and a year of beginnings, and I think I weathered it fairly well.

Here's to the next year. May it be a healthy, happy one for all my readers. Thanks so much for reading about my life.

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