Saturday, June 30, 2018


Most mornings I like to sit on my couch with a cup of coffee and my phone. Or my computer. Depends on my mood. Lately, I got a bunch of books from the library so I've also spent a few days with those since my eyes were bigger than my time and I've got to get them back. I leave my front door open because the dog likes to see outdoors and I enjoy keeping an eye on my neighbors the light. Now, I have to open it because each morning I've had a guest.

He wouldn't let me close in the beginning to snap a pic but he's loosened up since those first days. He's a brown anole, at least that's what I think he is from my Google search on how to tell the difference between a female and a male. I think he's a male. Without a close examination of his head, markings, and dewlap, I'm guessing. 

My brother: "You lost me at dewlap."

I SnapChat him each time I can and send out greetings to all of my followers and, since they haven't offered up pen name suggestions, I threw out a contest to name the lizard. Apparently, that is more fun because I received a bunch of suggestions, and before you ask, no none of them will fit for a pen name. 

Some days he sits on his butt like a human with his two legs out in front, his back against the door, like he is keeping an eye on the neighbors checking out the hood too. I haven't been able to capture that pose yet, but I haven't stopped trying.

The winner of the contest is my brother. He had several entries and Madison picked the winner. She's less biased than the rest of my family.  Meet Java, my morning lizard. He is there every day without fail, except on the morning it rained. Madison thinks the door is a good sunning spot, but I think he's checking up on me, watching out for me, saying hello.

Little Java.

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