Sunday, July 01, 2018

Six month resolution check

First of all, how is it that six months have passed? I mean, what? In another six I'll be making new ones, god willing, fingers crossed, etc. How is that possible? Jeez. Oh, well, here is my check-in at the six month mark.

I rate myself with numbers 1-10. Always working to have a total 60-60 by the end of the year. Has yet to happen but I'm optimistic. So, here goes:

  1. Eat a fruit and vegetable and drink milk daily and exercise twenty minutes a day, whether walking or dancing, going to the gym or just getting up and marching in place. Just some movement, and to get back to the weight I was before the death of Connie. That will be thirty pounds, give or take a few bags. (That’s a spades reference) - Why do I jam so much into one? I have mastered the fruit and vegetable. My health insurance has an app that I keep track of this so it is a done deal. The milk has been fairly good too I like smoothies in the morning before the gym. I've signed up to have an all over body scan in August so I've been hitting the gym trying to get there anywhere from 3-5 days a week. So, not perfect, but close to it. Score: 7
  2. To finish my romance novel - I shouldn't have put "finished". Blah. This is my resolution so I'm going to say that I am faithfully chugging away on this. I recently got over a major hurdle and that helped. Yay to my writing group!  I have to report my weekly word count to an administrator so other than one week I've written something each week. When I finish it, I'll give myself bonus points. Score: 9
  3. To finish scanning all of my photos into the computer - What was up with me and the damn "finish" word? I didn't scan as much this month, but I did do some. That counts. Score: 7
  4. To begin exploring my maternal and paternal genealogy (So that I can do something with those photos I have inherited of people I don't know) - Nada this month. Bummer. Score: 0
  5. To travel whether with or without other people - Went to California over these last two months so this one I have done. Heading out again on an impromptu few days of travel now. Yes! Score! Score: 10
Total: 33 out of 50 - Ugh. Less than the last check-in. Gotta step it up now.

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