Monday, December 31, 2018

Goodbye 2018

New Year's Eve--the last day of resolutions before tomorrow's new goals. I definitely will not be SO specific as I was this year.  

  1. Eat a fruit and a vegetable, drink milk daily, and exercise twenty minutes a day, whether walking or dancing, going to the gym, or just getting up and marching in place. Just some movement, and to get back to the weight I was before the death of Connie. That will be thirty pounds, give or take a few bags. (That's a spades reference) - Yeah, well this one was sort of done in the fruit and veggie department. I did drink some milk. I did some exercise. But add it all together and I would say I did not complete this one. Score: 2
  2. To finish my romance novel - In my defense, I'm close and might have finished but I took two weeks off at the end of the year. Madison says that is my own fault and shouldn't count because I didn't finish. Whatever. I'm giving myself high marks for working on it all year. So there! Score: 7
  3. To finish scanning all of my photos into the computer - Again, the stupid "finish" word.  Score: 2
  4. To begin exploring my maternal and paternal genealogy (So that I can do something with those photos I have inherited of people I don't know) - Okay, I was smart in my wording here. I did this one. I began to explore! Bam! Score: 10
  5. To travel whether with or without other people - And I accomplished this one! I traveled like a crazy lady. Woot! Woot! Score: 10

Total Score: 31 out of 50 - Better than half. I'll take it! Next year will be the year of completion. I feel it!

Here's to 2019. May it be a healthy, happy one for all my readers. Thanks for hanging in with me and reading my crazy ramblings.

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