Tuesday, January 01, 2019

New Year's resolutions 2019

My side of the family has kept resolutions since 1989. I was the scribe for these and wrote them down on various pieces of scrap paper, which I still have tucked nicely into a folder marked New Year's Resolutions. Apparently, I lost 1988, so we now only count 1989 as the year we began. These resolutions were moved to a computer file and currently reside in a shared Google Drive. Because this is family documentation of sorts, I continue to also transcribe it into the Word file just in case.

Here are my 2019 resolutions:

  1. Tackle a project once a month - Madison felt this was way too vague, so I described it to her as picking a project at the beginning of each month and working hard to complete it by the end of the month. It will be different each month. She continued to peck at me, and I gave her a variation of Auntie Marilyn's standard response to those who annoy her, "Fuck ya all!" I like this resolution as I have various projects that I want to complete. 
  2. Finish my book by the end of January, begin editing it, and start writing book #2 - Hmmm...maybe I should take out the January part, but I feel somewhat obligated to have that in there since I said at the end of 2018 that the only reason it isn't done is that I took two weeks off at the end of December to spend with my darling daughters. I've combined this with writing book #2 as I've learned through this book writing learning process that continuing to write is essential, and having a second book is even more critical. Besides, I have book two and book three already in my head with various plots. 
  3. Learn the next step in the writing career (i.e., writing a synopsis, querying an agent, etc.) - This will be huge if I want to send off the first book or any book after that. I mean, and why wouldn't I? If I get the damn thing done, why not?
  4. Adopt a healthier lifestyle (including eating, exercising, sleeping, and vitamins) - Yes, yes, this is an old one, and I swore I wouldn't go back. But this is too important at my age, I'm unhappy with my body, and I have a medical issue that will have to be addressed sooner rather than later and getting weight off will work in my favor. So, go me!
  5. Use more Wyndham points this year than last year - Which means either more traveling or preferably more selling! Wyndham vacations, anyone?

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