Thursday, February 28, 2019

2 month 2019 resolution check-in

Let's see how I'm doing two months in on the resolutions. I rate myself with numbers from 1-10. Always working to have a total 50-50 by the end of the year. Hasn't happened yet, but one never knows...

  1. Tackle a project once a month - First, glad I didn't say finish, although I did mention it in my synopsis of this resolution. But it isn't in the heading. Second, I didn't say a new project, so January and February were spent working on the same project. Which still isn't completed. But...I worked like a fiend on my project both months, so that counts big time. Score - 7 
  2. Finish my book by the end of January, begin editing it, and start writing book #2 - Okay, Madison was right. I spent way too much time tackling the January project alongside the book writing and got too caught up. How well that kid knows her mother, huh? I'm taking out by the end of January FYI. Because it's my resolution and I can. However, I'm only 5 chapters away from the finish. Feeling pretty good about having it all mapped out, so there is that. Plus, I've written over 20,000 words in the last two months. So there! Score: 7
  3. Learn the next step in the writing career (i.e., writing a synopsis, querying an agent, etc.). - Hmmm...well haven't necessarily started this one yet although I did have an agent read my first page of the book and give her opinion. (She was interested and said she'd at this point quickly turn to the synopsis because I'd hooked her with my twist) The agent was our February speaker at my writer's group, and she discussed how to query an agent, so BOOM I have worked on it. Score: 5
  4. Adopt a healthier lifestyle (including eating, exercising, sleeping, and vitamins) - I have done really well on eating. I'm proud of this one. I've also begun walking on the beach. I started out maintaining a sleep schedule which somehow fell to the wayside in the past two weeks. Gotta get back on that. Keep forgetting the vitamins. Score: 6
  5. Use more Wyndham points this year than last year - I did sell some points for February, and I'm looking to use points in the next two weeks, so I'm working well on this one too. Score: 5

Total: 30 out of 50. Hey! Not bad. Not bad at all for the first two months. I'll take it!

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