Friday, March 01, 2019

March 2019 project

So, adding another project on top of finishing January and February's project, I figured to stay in the same realm. Keeping that in mind, I'm going to organize and label my photos in my Picasa folder. Yes, I still have Picasa and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. Google Photos are nothing compared to Picasa. Not sure why Google ditched it.

I have been trying desperately to keep pictures in folders of the year they were taken. Easy to do during the digital phase. Not so easy with scanned photos. If I can, I'll keep them in periods instead of specific years and add comments to remember what the hell the pictures are or from or something that will trigger my children's memories when they have the job of deciding what to do with all of these pictures.

A big month of projects! Plus, Spring Break. And the book. And the other resolutions. Jeez, I shouldn't have any time left in my days, huh?

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