Monday, January 06, 2020

Charcuterie Expert Wannabe

Since my introduction into the charcuterie board, I've been obsessed. If I thought my family would go for it, we'd have charcuterie foods every night. On my board. Because I love building this board.

I follow on Instagram the former food editor for our local paper, and when she posted this book, I immediately put it on my Amazon wish list even though I pooh-pooh any cookbooks because all recipes can be found online. A fact my friend pointed out to me when I mentioned the book. My friend whose house I decluttered and whose cookbooks I gave to Goodwill.

Me: "This is different."

My cousin and I went through the entire book, but she wasn't as enthralled with the boards as I am. She had some excellent points. For example, the cramming of foods. Most charcuterie boards start out with a premise and a layout, which is then filled in with the assorted crackers and foods. It makes for a very full board, which we agreed made it hard for fingers to maneuver.

But as my mother always reminded me, recipes are made to be tweaked. My boards tend not to be crowded, but I think they can be too stark, so I'm working on filling them in more.

For NYE, we always have a game night with another family. My friend texted me she was bringing a cheese and meat tray, so my charcuterie board for that had to be tossed. No worries! I turned to my Christmas present book above (which was purchased for me for Christmas, thanks to the friend above...the one whose cookbooks I gave away), and I decided on the chipboard.

Only with fewer dips and less variety of chips. I decided on onion dip, salsa, guacamole, queso, and tabbouleh. Unfortunately, the avocados were not ripe, so I had to purchase pre-made organic guacamole and then to cut down on time I went with Dean's french onion dip instead of making my own. Notehomemade dips look better on the board.

Also, I need more bowls for my board. I only have a couple, so I used my little everyday dishes, and it doesn't have the same aesthetic, picturesque view. But it still was devoured. 

I think if I try one charcuterie board a month, I should have it down pat by the end of the year. Perhaps I should add this as a resolution? I'm determined to have at least one board that resembles a board that belongs in a book.

I already have February's board since it will be a strawberry season in Florida:

Stay tuned.

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