Thursday, January 09, 2020

Elliot starts off 2020 right

After Susan and Rusty arrived for the holidays, Elliot began limping. He walked around the hood with us one night and couldn't finish. We had to take turns carrying him home, a feat that wasn't easy for us old gals. He immediately began licking his sore paw, and this went on and on every time he walked on it. 

Darcy and I took him to the vet. A place I haven't been to in years as this dog belongs to Tom. I leave that chore for him. After all, I took the kids to the vet doctor all those years why shouldn't he get a turn with this child?

Vet: "A minute ago, the dog was your dog."

Darcy: "She does that a lot."

Me: "The dog belongs to both of them. They're the two who brought Elliot into the family."

Darcy: "You love him."

True. Which is why I took Elliot to the vet where I also decided I'd bring up his skin condition. Elliot has had a skin issue ever since the day we brought him home. I blame the breeders. They handed over Elliot covered in fleas, and the poor animal has had skin lesions ever since. We've been told he has allergies, and after testing, etc. it was decided he was allergic to fleas. Go figure! 

A flea bites him, and then he scratches, and then it spreads until he has scabs over 75% of his body. He has to be miserable. I thought it odd the vet couldn't narrow down a treatment, but then I've heard from other sheepdog owners that they too have dogs with the same problem. 

Turns out, medicine has progressed! The vet decided Elliot's paws - all four of them - were infected with a secondary infection caused by his allergies. He recommended a special shampoo, once a week baths, daily brushings, and a new allergy pill for dogs. We took it all and then went immediately to the pet store to bath him with the special shampoo.

He hates getting a bath, but he does love to be clean. Plus, he gets to pick out his own treat, which the store puts at the animals' level. A week later, his skin was SO much better, and we took him back again to give him another bath. The pet place has three washing stations, and they provide everything an owner needs to bath a pet; shampoo, conditioner, towels, treats, brushes, and a blow dryer. You do the work.

After Elliot was bathed, we decided we all deserved a Starbucks. Elliot was totally on board with that run!

He decided on a puppachino, and since his cousins, Brody, Kol, and Pumpkin gave him Starbucks gift cards, he treated us. 

So far, his skin lesions have all but disappeared. He is suddenly more energetic. He wants to play more often, and he even seems to enjoy being loved--something he usually isn't keen on. He enjoyed the company for the holidays and is looking forward to what 2020 has in store for him. 

He hopes there are fewer baths and more Starbucks.

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