Friday, January 10, 2020

GMC's Yukon XL

In June 2019, I wrote about our experience in renting a Yukon XL. Here is an excerpt:

Before the trip, there were several texts regarding concerns on the rental car and whether or not we had a big enough vehicle to carry seven people plus luggage. Apparently, upon hearing the tale and viewing some of the baggage, the rental agent agreed we needed a bigger car. That's how we came to renting the Yukon XL. Cue the music...

Us: (to the tune of YMCA) "It's fun to ride in the YUKON XL. We love to drive in the YUKON XL."

We had a lot of fun with the Yukon XL. More fun than I could possibly portray or give justice to by writing about on this blog. Just know that it came up in daily conversation, that it had a force shield around it, that the amount of room and comfort was off the charts, and that no other vehicle will ever match our experience. Seriously, GMC should snap up our family for a commercial. We could sell the shit out of this vehicle!

The Yukon XL remained alive in our family through a group text named Yukon Yik Yack, where we post various sightings of Yukon XL's. When Madison drew Jay's name for the Christmas gift exchange, she decided his entire Christmas would be Yukon XL themed. She made him stickers, socks, and a water bottle with various Yukon XL's that she drew. The final gift was a note telling him to be on the couch Christmas night at 8:00 p.m.

Where he was treated to this video:

Written and produced by Madison, it was completed over several days. The coup was finding that one of the family's renting in the building where my family rented their beach house was a family who drove a Yukon X!


GMC, give us a call. We can totally sell this vehicle!

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