Thursday, October 01, 2020

Quarantine day 202

My niece was married on Saturday. We weren't there. It was a personal choice, I've made my feelings known about large gatherings, flying, etc., but it didn't lessen the pain of not witnessing her special day. 

My family, my aunt in California, and my cousin and family in Boston zoomed so we could watch the wedding together virtually. We started early so we could catch up. I texted the bride and her parents, and when my brother responded, I cried. We have a saying at Christmas time when the family is together that is isn't Christmas until someone cries--it was usually my mother--and Jay made a reference to it, and the moment passed.

My husband wore a tie, brought rice in a plastic bag, and toasted with an empty champagne glass. The wedding went by in a flash. While we couldn't hear the bride and groom, we assumed they responded positively because no one in the audience fainted or had faces of horror, and the minister eventually pronounced them married.

We were all left with an empty void when the virtual moment went dark, knowing everyone was off to a party while we sat where we've been for the past two hundred days--at home. We gave ourselves that moment, then we laughed and talked some more before signing off. Madison watched the fifteen-minute ceremony again. Darcy went back to her homework, Tom worked out, and I thought about how quickly time flies.

One of these cherubs is married and currently on her honeymoon! 

My brother and his wife are definitely empty-nesters now. While we couldn't be there in person, we wish the happy couple all the best and welcome Noah to the family. He's spent several years being harassed by my brother, so there is no doubt he'll handle the new crew just fine.

Congrats guys! We love you and hope that someday we will be able to hug you both!

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