Friday, October 02, 2020

September pictures in quarantine

I bought a cover for my remodeled furniture to keep it safe from Florida's raining weather. So far, so good. 

Darcy keeps me entertained with her SnapChats, and she's always so cute!

We spent a lovely afternoon in Grammy's pool exercising to my water aerobic instruction

I did allow my picture to be taken--even in a bathing suit. Progress, Darcy says, on my resolutions. Score!

This little guy has been a lifesaver in keeping us happy and loved

I love my writer's group in Zoom. No driving, I have control over the room temperature, and I can see everyone better online than I could in our crowded meeting room.

This sums up the last seven months. I wash masks daily. 

Here's to another month in this pandemic! Here's to a healthy October. May I take more pictures than I did this month so I have something exciting to look back on!

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