Saturday, October 31, 2020

Quarantine day 237

Last week I ate in a restaurant for the first time since COVID hit in March. I did it without thinking. I received a text from a friend whose daughter had surprised them by flying in for the weekend. The daughter is a SnapChat fav of mine, and despite already having eaten breakfast, I jumped on seeing them. A minute later, I remembered.

I went anyway, although my stomach hurt on the drive there. We wore masks and ate outside by the Gulf. There was hand sanitizer, fresh air, and lots of birds hoping for a scrap of food. We caught up, ate, put our masks back on, and caught up some more. 

I got into a lot of trouble when Madison and Tom found out what I'd done.

Madison: "It's not just the eating in a restaurant part, but the fact you were near someone who'd flown in on an airplane."

Tom: "If you knew the things, I knew. All the people at work who've been sick and who say you don't want this virus..."

Truthfully, the worry overshadowed the joy. 

We didn't do Halloween this year either, turning off the porch light and keeping our front door shut, but it didn't matter. No one wandered down our street, and we saw zero trick or treaters walking the cross street. Madison's school kids came up with alternatives to the usual Halloween neighborhood stroll as well, so I'm guessing most people nixed trick or treating this year.

That didn't mean we didn't get candy. 

Madison had lamented our lack of sugar the night before and set off for candy before picking up our usual Saturday take-out dinner. Apparently, that isn't as naughty as eating outside in a restaurant. 

Meanwhile, we are putting ourselves to work with projects on our improvement list. While my fitness goals took a back seat this week due to a reoccurring knee injury and an almost broken toe, I did manage to complete project #1, and Tom got to work on project #2, which will be in an entry later this week.

Onward into November...

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