Friday, October 30, 2020

Ten month resolution check

Every two months, I check in to see how I'm doing on my New Year's resolutions. I give myself a score between 1-10 with the hopes that I'm perfect by the end of the year. 

Not sure this year should count, but I've gone this far.

Let's check-in (10 months):

  • Travel (Explore and open myself to new experiences)- Yep, due to circumstances beyond my control (PANDEMIC), this one is no longer applicable. Score: N/A

  • Get into an excellent mental and/or physical place where I don't mind having my picture taken. -  My daughter said she saw a picture of me (taken in a swimming pool) where she thought I looked happy and not afraid to have my photo taken, so based on that, I've given myself half. Score: 5

  • Devise a working routine schedule Monday-Friday so that I do it and stick to it - I can honestly say that the last two months I did really well in doing this. Score: 7

  • Finish editing book #1, so Maya can edit and critique it. - I'm putting this one aside so I can work on book #2. The stress of editing a book that needs more plot help than I can figure out during this pandemic has forced my hand. Score: 0

  • To drink less coffee and, therefore, less creamer - I've taken to not finishing my coffee many mornings, so I'm counting that! Score: 2

  • To tackle some old resolutions that haunt me - This one I have continued to work well on. Score: 10

Total Score: 24 out of 50 (number one is N/A and out of commission) - Blah! Almost halfway. I shall really force my way through the next two months to at least complete another resolution.

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