Friday, January 01, 2021

2021 resolutions

We Zoomed our resolutions this year because, uh, 2020. What better way to end that year? Not everyone could make it, so I'll have to push and prod the others, but most of us have our 2021 resolutions noted. Here are my 2021 resolutions:

  • To be like 2020 Rebel Wilson and make this year a focus on health - I'm not setting specific goals but vowing instead to concentrate on being healthier. I have exercise in mind, but the eating will need some work. 
  • To eat breakfast before I drink my morning coffee - This goes along with the above because I find drinking coffee lets me slack.
  • To think of three positive, happy, uplifting things for every negative thought that runs into my head - I'm the queen of negativity and worry. This year has expounded these issues, and I'm going to render them powerless!
  • To edit book one and complete book two in all phases and attempt to publish, I will seek help from my writers' organizations with finishing this resolution. I have learned a lot from book one to book two, and since our meeting went to Zoom, I've met people who have offered their services. I shall take advantage of those!
  • To continue down the path of completing past resolutions - I want to finish editing my blog and make it into a printed book, continue working on my family tree, and I'd like to keep and maintain a working schedule. 
  • To learn some of the Russian language - Oleg is Ukraine but his family mainly speaks Russian, so I think it's time for me to bone up on some phrases.

Happy New Year! Health, happiness, and silliness to all!

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