Saturday, January 02, 2021

Hello 2021

For the past few years, we've had a standard New Year's Eve with a family we've known since our oldest girls were six years old. They played on the same soccer team through high school, and we love getting together with them. Every NYE, we play cards, eat, and drink. Last year, their daughter missed out on the celebration, and this year, due to COVID and work, we pushed the festivities to New Year's Day, where we could sit outside.

That left us on our own for the eve, and after our family Zoom, much to Oleg's dismay, we were boring. We did nothing, and it took him whining to get us on our feet five minutes before the ball dropped in Times Square. We filled our champagne glasses, toasted 2021 with Madison's new Christmas gift, and watched the fireworks all around our house. Then, the firebugs got out the sparklers that weren't used on the Fourth of July and rang in the year outside my front door while Elliot and I stayed safely behind the glass. 

On New Year's Day, we slept late, then welcomed our friends for a penny card game that our family did not win. Not a bad way to say good-bye to the old and hello to the new! Well, I guess winning the pennies would've been better, but hey, not complaining! We will get them back on New Year's Eve!

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