Friday, May 08, 2009

A way of life as a Floridian

My first trip to Disney World in Orlando, Florida was in 1974 with our friends from Pennsylvania. Back then Disney World was only the Magic Kingdom, and the thing I remember most is my not wanting to go on the ride in the sky that took you all around the Magic Kingdom. I was (and still am) afraid of heights and the ride was too high and too open for me. I remember my father getting annoyed and telling me it wasn't a choice. I was going on the ride.

The ride, much like a ski lift, was where this photo to the left was taken. It is probably the best photo I have of Cinderella's castle that doesn't have someone's head in the picture. We had to take two cars, and I was in the car with my father. I remember Mr. Smith was in the other car in front of us, but I'm not sure who else was in there as I can't find the pictures. What I do remember most was my father thinking he was funny and pretending he was going to throw me out the car into their car in front. That's my most vivid memory of my trip.

Lucky for me that my father was such an avid photographer so that I can look back at pictures and remember more of the vacation.

The Swiss Family Robinson tree was one of the attractions I remember enjoying. While I had to climb high into a fake tree there was still enough to see (not to mention a railing) to keep my mind occupied. I had read the book and was very interested to see how they lived. Today this attraction seems silly what with all of the pomp we are now used to at Disney, but back then it was innovative to me, (not so much for the adults) and I loved it.

Now living in Florida a hop, skip and a jump from Disney World, and being a Disney Florida Passholder, we can travel there whenever the mood suits us. My children take it for granted and this bothers me because the cost puts this great place out of so many parents' price range. But it is one of the perks of living in Florida. We get a discount for being taxpayers in this state and because they need us to fill the park during off-peak times.

We are headed again to Disney World this weekend because the girls are off of school today. Thanks to my mother and her vacation points we have a free place to reside. Our Florida Passholder points allow us to park hop, and, unlike 1974 there are four parks to visit now.

Madison and I enjoy Animal Kingdom. Tom likes Epcot. Darcy is still a lover of the Magic Kingdom. Not sure who will preside over which one we visit, but I'll let you know how the trip goes when I return. And for old times sake, I think I'll check that ski lift ride. While I do believe it is one of the old rides that got chucked if it isn't I think I'll climb aboard and relive a part of my Disney childhood.


  1. Oh how pretty!! Makes me want to go! Hope you guys are having fun!! I love all your recent posts...especially the one where you are working!!! I can't believe the girls haven't noticed toby!!!!

  2. Where was I in that Robinson tree house photo??? Probably left somewhere and forgotten.....
