Friday, January 08, 2010

Chilly in Florida

Yes, I know it is cold in many parts of the country, but I live in Florida. The highs this time of the year are usually in the high 60's and 70's with the lows in the 50's. Since before Christmas, we have had highs in the 50's and since the beginning of this week, it has been even lower.

Most of the time I would just whine a little about the weather, but now that I'm out walking a dog and standing around waiting for him to do his "business" I'm really getting a taste of the weather. Here are 5 horrors regarding cooler temperatures in Florida:

  • We keep breaking records this season for the coldest morning temperatures. I walked the dog the other morning and it was only 27 degrees!
  • The wind is wicked when combined with the cooler temperatures. Walking the dog against the wind is a killer because I don't own a winter coat. I finally broke down and dug out my University of Evansville scarf and winter hat just to make it around the block.
  • The farmers are losing crops, especially the strawberries which are scheduled for picking in a couple of weeks. Fewer strawberries mean higher prices, but I just keep thinking how miserable it has to be for the farmers out watering their crops hoping to freeze the fruit.
  • Yesterday people reported frost and some ice on their vehicles in the early morning. My favorite photo was the top of a frosted car where someone had written, "the sunshine state" in the frost.
  • Today another cold front is moving into the state bringing rain, and at one time even the possibility of snow. My children were very excited about this and are now going to be disappointed that the forecasters have since changed their stories.

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