Sunday, January 03, 2010

Giving other teams a chance...

I enjoyed the last Steelers game of the season at my buddy Scott's house. He saved me a place on the couch and we watched his satellite NFL package on the high definition big screen. Much better than the computer where I've watched most of the games this season or the smoky bar where Kelly and I watched one game.

It was good to see the gang working hard for a change. Good to go out on a win. I hate that we aren't in the playoffs, but the players have no one to blame but themselves. We should not have lost those three easy gimmes.

I'm thinking of going outside the box and rooting for the Vikings. It would be nice to see Brett win another one and finally stop chasing whatever dream or goal he seems bent on having. Or maybe he is still trying to prove something to someone. But then again I love me some Peyton Manning!

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