Friday, November 30, 2012

Hotwire Review

I've never used a site like Priceline or Hotwire before, but when we were planning our trip to Universal I decided I needed a hotel room and my Wyndham resorts were all booked for the holidays. My sister-in-law suggested Hotwire which she had used to book her hotel room, and since I didn't want to drive back and forth I decided to investigate this site.

The site is easy to navigate. You can book hotels, flights, cars and even cruises. Tell them where you want to go and when and hit the search button. I wanted to be near Universal Studios so I put that in the location area and two different areas popped up for me to pick. I tried both for the heck of it. It was then I realized that the names and addresses of the hotels are hidden. Only when you agree and book it with a credit card number do they reveal the name and address. I wasn't so keen on that, but my husband reminded me of the many hotels we had paid a pretty penny to stay in that turned out to be a dump.

I refined my search with the box that allows you to select what star hotel you want to stay in. I fiddled around with a three star hotel and higher and later changed it to a four star hotel and higher for the heck of it. A list of hotels popped up ranging in price from $44 to over $100 a night. The $44 hotel came with a "thumbs up" rating that said 90% of the people using Hotwire recommended the hotel in reviews provided. The reviews give you a rating of the condition of the hotel, the quality of service, the room comfort, room cleanliness, and an overall satisfaction rating. This hotel had a 4.5 rating and everything written about it convinced me to take a chance and so I booked it.

The hotel was the Rosen Plaza Hotel five minutes from Universal Studios. It was huge with ten floors and a lobby the size of Rhode Island. There was a bar, a small store, a restaurant, and a Starbucks in the lobby. Our room was clean with two beds and a refrigerator. The only downside was that I had to pay $13 to park my car each day which increased my daily rate, but was still cheaper then the normal rate I would have paid at a 4.5 rated hotel. We didn't do anything at the hotel but sleep, however, there was a fitness center and a pool there we could have used. The bed was comfy, the flat screen TV provided me with Sunday night football, the shower was hot, and we had plenty of towels.

I would highly recommend using Hotwire just from my first experience with it. The green thumbs up symbol is a good place to start. I have found that the flights are cheaper for the holidays and I've heard that the car rentals are best as well. It is going to be the first place I check for bookings from now on.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving 2012

Tom's sister and family came for the holiday and we spent two days at Universal Studios touring both parks.  I've written in the past about my experiences at both of these parks and for the most part they were any better or any worse.  The crowds were heavier and the employees not as outgoing and the weather was chilly, but otherwise it was entertaining.

I didn't really remember many of the rides from the last time so it was sort of a new experience because of that.  Madison and her cousin Eli spent quite a bit of time on the roller coasters so the rest of us shopped and rode different rides.

Darcy, Joey, and Olivia enjoyed each others' company while the other two rode the coasters.  They didn't really need a ride to find fun and entertainment.  They found it in everything.

I only insisted on one thing and that was standing in line to see:

I wanted to take a picture of Spiderman with the girls so that I could tweet my nephew who at the moment is dressing like Dr. Who, but who wants to be a super hero when he grows up.

I tweeted: @Awsomemason Look who we ran into at Universal associate of yours I believe.

I thought it hilarious, but he didn't respond.  Something about phone issues.  Hmpf.  The big excitement was getting stuck on the Harry Potter Castle Ride. Darcy and I didn't ride this last time because we thought it would be scary, but we did walk through the castle with Madison and Tom and then we exited before the ride.  Now Darcy is reading the Potter books and is interested in everything Harry Potter.

Madison and Tom said the ride was not scary and Olivia wanted to go on it so we all got in the 75 minute wait line.  Once inside the castle you have to put your things in a locker so while everyone was doing that I stood off to the side avoiding the crowd.  An employee was telling people that single riders go up the stairs and multiple riders go straight.  I inquired to the single riders and found that those are for people who don't mind not sitting together.  When a ride isn't full with 4 people they throw on a single rider.  We all opted for the 10 minute wait in this line.  While we were in this line Olivia and Madison departed for the restrooms and Nancy, Darcy and I moved on.  I was behind a Steelers fan and so he and I discussed the Baltimore game of the night before.  He ended up with the three of us on the ride.

The chairs are like being on individual ferris wheel chairs.  It was the Steelers guy, Nancy, Darcy, and me on the end. The ride began in darkness with Hermoine casting a spell on us that had us flying. Harry Potter met us in the air and led us on a journey through the woods, past Hagar's cottage, and up, up, up into the air so we could clear the roof of the castle. Right as we began to fly over the castle we stopped in mid flight. The ride was dead. We were left hanging over the castle. We leaned out and looked at one another giggling. It was still dark so we couldn't see much except that we were up in the air.

We sat there for several minutes while a recorded voice told us to relax and the ride would begin momentarily. There were noises of the ride trying to start; sort of like an engine that was frozen. We hung there and eventually the recording stopped its pep talk and the lights came on. We were hanging above a curtain, a movie screen hanging in front of us, and we were higher than I thought. We sat like that for ten minutes and than suddenly we were spun around facing the front and a giant mechanical spider.

While I could describe the entire trip through the castle I won't. A ride like that shouldn't be ruined. We followed the spider in front of us until we arrived at the end where employees gave us tickets to bypass the line when the ride was fixed. It didn't seem much of a concession after discovering the secrets of the ride, but when I was able to bypass the line and ride the ride I wasn't as disappointed as I was sure I would be. It also wasn't a favorite of mine as there was a lot of jerking and shaking on the ride which made me a tad nauseous.

The girls had a great time at the park and spending time with their cousins.  Two of Tom's sisters have one red haired child in their family.  Nancy enjoyed telling her red haired daughter, "Go with Aunt Cara.  You look like you belong with her more than me." 

We left on Tuesday to head home.  Darcy had her first babysitting job down the street and Madison had a movie date with friends.  On Wednesday Tom and Madison flew off to New York City.  It has been a dream of my husbands to see the Macy's Day Parade.  Every year he says he is going to do it the next year.  It is no interest of mine, however, to stand in the cold, crowded streets of NYC to watch overgrown balloons float down the street so I suggested he take his about to be 16 year old daughter with him.  They departed leaving Kelly, Darcy, and me behind to have Thanksgiving dinner.

We opted for ham this year instead of turkey.  Kelly cooked up a delicious, moist ham with all the turkey trimmings; stuffing, green beans, mashed potatoes, and gravy.  We ate and then took food up to Grandma Connie.  We were so stuffed that we forgot the dessert.  Later that night we left to pick up the New York travelers at the airport where we then took them to Grandma Mary Anne's house where we ate another Thanksgiving dinner this one with Nancy's turkey and trimmings.

Another nice holiday full of food, friends, family, and plenty of activity.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday football recap - Week #12

Steelers:  Sigh.

Defense - If I were the defense, I would be in the offensive players' faces.  The defense did their job and more and the offense absolutely dropped the ball (and that pun was unintentional).

Turnovers - Eight. Count them. Fumble, fumble, fumble, interception, interception, fumble, fumble, interception.  Not going to win games with those mistakes.  Every single one of our running backs managed to fumble the ball.  Everyone.  Mendenhall?  Check.  Rainey?  Check.  Dwyer?  Check.  Redman? Check.  Seriously?

Penalties - We have them each week.  At some point wouldn't you think these guys would understand?  Wouldn't a light bulb go off in their heads?  Duh?  We should stop doing that because we are getting killed in yardage?  Apparently not.

Charlie Batch - I don't blame Batch at all.  In the beginning they wouldn't let him throw.  It took three fumbles and almost the entire first half before he was given the okay to throw.  I wouldn't have any confidence in myself then either.  Jeez.  Batch knows this team.  He can throw the damn ball.  Let him play the game.  Practice his ass off this week doing nothing but passing.  You have to warm up something that hasn't been used in years.  I still believe he can lead us down the field and his coaches and teammates have to believe that too.  Otherwise...we're done.


Cincinnati - They are moving up in the division after a slow start.  Now they are tied with the Steelers for the second place and wildcard spot.  Give them credit for hanging in there and not giving up as they use to do.  Maybe we should have some of their players come over for a pep talk.

Bucs - Oh, so close.  Should the Bucs have punted instead of putting it all on the kicker with three minutes still on the clock?  I can't answer that because the game was blacked out in our area.

Ray Lewis - Sources say he is coming back to the Ravens.  Might be just in time to secure a place in the Bowl the way this team is playing.  OT win against the Chargers yesterday secured their place at the top.  No wonder I got pushed around last Sunday by Ravens fans while sporting my Steelers jersey.  They can talk the talk because they are walking the walk.

Colin Kaepernick - The backup turned starting quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers made it look easy in their win against the New Orleans Saints.  Coach Jim Harbaugh then tried to "squelch" the  quarterback controversy that he started but no one really gives a hoot about.  Take the win and move on Harbaugh.

Peyton Manning - No one was really worried yesterday were they?  Pfft.  The man is headed to a show down with the Ravens for the spot in the Bowl.  Tom Brady who?

Other Manning - I called at least one game right yesterday.  Peyton's baby brother, Eli, tore up the field with three touchdowns in their win against the Green Bay Packers after not making any TD's in the last three games.  This team is trying to tell us they aren't done yet either.

Pre game camera shots - Every pre-game show has shots of the quarterbacks entering the stadiums on game days while they voice over commentary on what these guys will need to do to win the game.  Why does Aaron Rogers of the Packers hide his face?  He does this every week and the media continues to show him as if taunting him.  First of all, ignore it Rogers.  You play in the NFL and showing your mug on TV is part of the business.  And seriously this isn't the paparazzi out stalking you and your family.  Walk past the cameras and keep your head in the game.  Secondly, the media needs to stop showing him each week because obviously he doesn't like it.  Respect that because I'm tired of seeing him shove his bag at the camera and the poor guy behind it just doing his job. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday picks & more - Week 12

Last Week - 13 - 1
Overall - 106 - 56

Minnesota over Chicago - Hmmmm....not sure of my thinking five days ago, but what's done is done. Cutler looks to be back so I think Chicago will be better than last week.

Cincinnati over Oakland - The Raiders haven't done much this season and the Bengals have, albeit off and on with no consistence. Oakland's Carson Palmer use to be the Bengals quarterback so he will want to come in gunning, but unfortunately his days of gunning ended years ago.

Pittsburgh over Cleveland - I'm a Charlie Batch believer and don't believe my boys are out of it yet.

Indianapolis over Buffalo - Better record playing at home.  Colts.

Denver over Kansas City - Let the Chiefs call it season and give them the number one draft pick already.

Seattle over Miami - Seattle's defense keeps games interesting and the Dolphins will feel the heat.

Atlanta over Tampa Bay - I almost picked the Bucs as the winners in this game, and maybe I should have voted my gut, but there is always that little nagging voice reminding me of the past.

Tennessee over Jacksonville - Two teams that are not exactly igniting the football field. The Jags have been trying and coming close these past two weeks and this game might be what loses them the number one pick, but I'm going with the Titans because they've won more.

Baltimore over San Diego - I don't see the Chargers getting out of their  poor season, but that doesn't mean I'll not be cheering my head off for them to kick butt.

New Orleans over San Francisco - The Saints are quieting the doubters and marching over the opponents. The 49ers are playing quarterback tag and head games. Drew Bree will just grin as he throws more touchdowns.

Arizona over St Louis - This is the gimme game; a toss up.  I went with the Cardinals because I know more about them.  That's all.

New York Giants over Green Bay - I just can't believe Eli will loose again, but maybe Im all wet.

Carolina over Philadelphia - Cam Newton feels the need to prove something and he would love to do it again especially to Michael Vick and crew, but since Vick is out the door is wide open for the second year QB to put up some points.

Notre Dame - Undefeated. Playing for the National Championship. Who saw that one?  Regis Philbin.

Big Ben a father - Ben Roethlisberger and his wife Ashley welcomed their first child the day before Thanksgiving.  Little Ben Jr. (why do parents do this to kids?) weighed in smaller than one would have thought knowing his dad.  He was 7 lbs. 1 oz. and you can see him hereCongrats Ben.  He has worked hard at redefining who he is and his life.  I hope he will raise his son to be even better.

Ndamukong Suh - Did he or didn't he intentionally kick Texans QB Matt Schaub in the groin during the Detroit/Houston game on Thanksgiving Day?  That is the big question for the NFL to chew on while deciding whether punishment is due.  This is a player who is dirty no question.  Look at any tape of Suh and you will find an illegal hit and a cheap shot.  The NFL fines and suspends players left and right each week for plays that I think are hard to avoid, but this guy?  This guy needs someone counseling him from a chair while he reclines on a couch.

Ed Reed - The Baltimore Ravens helmet to helmet hit on Steelers safety Ryan Clark had Reed sitting out a game, but he complained and the NFL gave in and he will play today.  Do I think he could have avoided that hit?  It's football people once again.  It did violate the rule of a defenseless receiver and that was called on the field.  It did violate the NFL's new helmet to helmet rule and that too was called on the field.  He was fined.  Because it was his third offense he was suspended.  Hello?  James Harrison ran into the very same thing and he sat out a game.  If the NFL is going to take each case separately into consideration then that sounds great since I think each play is very different, but if not then Reed should be sitting out.  Fair is fair.  But the NFL doesn't really know what to do since opening this can of worms.  Maybe Suh needs to do some of his magic on the individuals and knock some sense into them.

Troy Polamalu - Had his first practice this week with the Steelers in seven weeks.  I'm holding my breath he can make it back on to the field one day along with Roethlisberger, Brown, Leftwich, Cotchery, Allen, Colon, Gilbert, etc, etc, etc....

Plaxico Burress - The receiver more known for shooting himself in the leg and going to prison then his play on the football field is back where he started.  Burress played for the Steelers in 2000-2004 and then left as a free agent to play for the Giants and the Jets.  I always hated loosing him as his height matched well with Big Ben's.  I think leaving Pittsburgh obviously wasn't in his best interests either since he served three years in prison for discharging an unregistered firearm in public.  He tried out for the Steelers this year, but wasn't picked up by them until injuries forced the Steelers to go searching for another receiver.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Grown up TV

Kelly and I, after a tiring day of moving things from her old apartment to her new apartment, were eating leftover Thanksgiving dinner and watching Frosty the Snowman.  When Kelly and I are alone watching TV we tend to make comments about whatever it is that we are watching.  Done in the late 60's Frosty the Snowman provided quite a few comments.  At one point little Karen, who did not have on any pants, but was wearing a coat in the snowy weather, was helping the boys build a snowman.

Boy:  "We're building a snowman, Karen.  You do the head."

Karen:  "The head is the most difficult part.  Ask anyone."

Me:  "Kelly, what is the most difficult part of building a snowman?"

Kelly:  "The penis."

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Out of the mouths of my babes

Kelly:  "Well, I have to decide if I'm going on the mission trip to Peru.  We have to make a decision by December 3rd.  So if I'm going I have to tell them by then."

Me:  "How much is it going to cost?"

Kelly:  "$1300 dollars."

Me:  "Oh, well, I think that's probably doable."

Kelly:  "It isn't the money I'm worried about.  It's whether I can do the trip physically."

Me:  "What?  You'll be fine.  You're a fine specimen of a woman physically."

Kelly:  "No, really.  Seaver's lips turned blue the first day when he went."

Me:  "His lips turned blue?  That's weird."

Kelly:  "And he has youth on his side.  What if my lips turn blue and stay that way?"

Darcy:  "Just get a matching blue shirt."

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I'm feeling the effects of my career path

Years ago I found a female dermatologist to replace the one I had lost previously.  I liked this new doctor just fine, but at some point she mysteriously went on medical leave and I haven't seen her in a couple of years.  Instead I have been going to see the nurse practitioner.  It has been a revolving door of various male and female practitioners for awhile now and I've liked them all just fine.  In the meantime the office has become one where all sorts of cosmetic procedures are done, and I imagine botox and dermo abrasion going on behind the doors on the opposite side of the hall where I usually am worked on.  In the meantime the original dermatologist, now on medical leave, brought in a male dermatologist partner whom I have never seen.

A few weeks ago I went in for a six month evaluation and pointed out an area in the middle of my chest that at one point was a red blob of something that they burned off.  It was nothing major and in fact the one nurse practitioner just left it alone for a year.  It drove me crazy, however, whenever I went out in the sun and eventually another practitioner burned the thing off.  It has been like a year since it was removed and now another scabby thing had popped up.  This practitioner looked at it and declared it looked like a squamous cell.  She recommended a biopsy and the nurse numbed the area and scraped off a sample to have taken to the lab.

The call came in a couple of days later.  Turns out the area wasn't a squamous cell, but an actinic keratosis, something I have often after being out in the sun all of those years teaching and saving lives.  In fact that same appointment the practitioner had frozen off three other keratosis areas on my arms.  The lady on the phone told me it was "good news" but that I would need to come in and see the dermatologist so that the rest of the area could be "burned and scraped".  I thought it odd that I would actually see the dermatologist since the nurse practitioner has been freezing, burning, and scraping me for years, but thought it a good thing to get established with him seeing as the original dermatologist was most likely not returning.

At my appointment I was taken back to the same room I'm always in by a new girl who took my blood pressure, something that hasn't been done before, but is now required.  My pressure was a tad higher than normal and I will admit this had me concerned.  She shrugged it off when I mentioned it saying these machines ran higher than a normal listen.  Then she asked if I wanted to take my shirt off to "avoid getting tons of blood on it".  I must have made a face at that comment because she quickly turned around and checked my chart and then reassured me I was only here to get that thing burned off so leaving my shirt on was fine.  She then left the room.

I guess I must have been more anxious now because I couldn't really concentrate on my crossword puzzle as I waited for a doctor I've never seen before who might "get tons of blood" on my shirt while burning and scraping.  I was sort of hoping that the nurse practitioner would enter the room to take care of my chest, but the door opened and in came the male dermatologist and nurse #2 whom I've known forever.  He shook my hand while introducing himself, sat down on the rolling chair, and rolled quite close to me.  He leaned in to me as if getting ready to tell me a secret, patted me on the arm, and said, "So we have a squamous cell that needs to come out so we need to do some minor surgery."

Huh?  I corrected him by reminding him that his very own office had called me with the results of my biopsy and it was not a squamous cell.  He told me that there was a pyramid and that the keratosis was at the top of the tier and if not treated could become a squamous and most likely would and therefore it was best to cut it out.  By this point I was annoyed.  I told him that is not what his office told me would happen.  He sort of shook his head in disappointment and leaned in to take a look at the thing in question on my chest just below my neck. 

Him:  "We have two ways of going about this.  We can burn it off which will leave a nice white mark in the center of your chest, which I know to you ladies is a very sensitive area."

Me:  "Not this lady."

Him:  "I know you ladies do not a white dot in the middle of your chest.  Such a sensitive and focal area.  The second thing is to make a small incision and take out the area in question."

Me:  "Well, this lady doesn't care about a white dot on her chest."

Him:  "You wear necklaces, right?"

Me:  "No.  My neck is too thick for me to be comfortable in necklaces.  Look, what is it that you are recommending here because I'm confused.  I'll do what you think is best, but I was told you were just going to burn and scrape this off."

Him:  "Well, I know you ladies are sensitive to that area of your chest.  It is up to you what you want done, but a white spot...."  He shook his head like he was tsk tsking.  "Let's cut it out.  You'll come back in two weeks to have the stitches removed.  I think you'll be happier."

And that's what he did.  His nurse numbed me and they left me alone for several minutes while I fumed about what was suddenly happening here.  He returned, reclined me, covered my shirt with a surgical napkin that had a hole for the area he was cutting into, and proceeded to slice me.  He worked for some time, stopping once when the first nurse asked him what she was suppose to write down since it was a keratosis.  Uh huh.  He went over to her and they whispered, not quietly enough because I heard.  He said yes it was a keratosis, but post surgical it was squamous.  I guessed he was covering for me and himself with the insurance.  By this time it was too late to call a halt to everything, and I just wanted him to get back to my open chest so that germs wouldn't invade while he was arguing with his new nurse.  He finished the job and let nurse #2 stitch and bandage me up.

Him:  "So wash it with soap and water three times a day and keep ointment on it.  In two weeks you'll come back to remove the stitches and then in two months you'll come back for laser."

Me:  "For what?"

Him:  "For some laser work.  That's such a sensitive area and it tends to build up some scar tissue so we'll fix that with some laser work because I know how you ladies are about your chest."

Me:  "Yes, but if you are a good surgeon who did the job right in the first place then I wouldn't need any laser treatment afterwards now would I?" 

I'm afraid by this time I was just plain pissed at everything that had occurred from the phone call, to what was suppose to happen, to what did happen, to now throwing in laser treatments.  He didn't appreciate my comment and his face certainly told me so, although the two nurse snickered and then tried to cover it up by coughing at the same time.  I patted his arm and told him I was just kidding.  I left the room, paid my $40 copay, made my stitches removal appointment, and hightailed it to the car.  Once inside there I pulled down the mirror to exam my poor chest.  I'm sorry I did not take a picture.  The nurse had put a piece of gauze over the wound and then taken, and I kid you not, five band-aids that she put in different directions over the gauze to hold it in place.  Band-aids.  Now I've been around Connie, wounds, and doctors for some time now and never have band-aids been used to hold on gauze. 

Tom:  "That has to be the worse rigged bandaged job I've ever seen.  Was she blind?"

Later when I removed it all to wash and put on ointment I stared at this in the mirror:

This was better than a white dot?

It was a most unpleasant area to have stitched.  When I would sleep on my side at night the skin would all bunch up and hurt so that I would have to roll on to my back.  There was quite a bit of swollen irritation and soreness, but I did return in two weeks to have the stitches removed.  

The dermatologist couldn't have been kinder.  It was like I was seeing a different person.  I too was kinder.  He sat down and explained why he had done what he did, and I admitted it was an area that was constantly bothering me.  He explained about the laser work and I agreed to take advantage of it.  He said no matter how great a surgeon is laser is usually used, a little jab and notice to me that he hadn't forgotten my remark, and I gave him props for that.  We ended the appointment with some freezing of spots I wanted frozen and then he made several funny jokes, told me I should steer my kids from medicine and to hair dressing as a career as everyone always will have hair, patted me and off I went to return in one month for laser treatments.  Joy, oh joy.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday morning sports recap - Week #11


So much for the bee uniforms. I have to admit that I was feeling good after getting all the games correct this week leading up to the night game, finding a heads up penny in the parking lot before the game, and then seeing the boys in the bee suits. Then Byron Leftwich ran in for the touchdown in the first few minutes and suddenly I was sure we would pull this game off. Turns out I was wrong.

Leftwich - Made some good plays. Made some bad plays. Unfortunately we needed more of the good plays. He made some odd throws in the game that he will watch back tomorrow and hopefully never do them again.

Dwyer - Did his best in running the ball, but we needed him running it in the end zone and that never happened.

Defense - The game was a defensive one on both sides with seven sacks total. Both defenses played well. Ike Taylor continues his unbelievable defensive play. If only they could have held on to some of those balls Flacco threw.

Turning point - The Ravens punt return for a touchdown. The Steelers have had too many of those this year. As many as they have in penalties which was another point. Two men offsides? Come on guys!


I didn't get to watch football yesterday. We are enjoying the holiday with family visiting from Chicago and we are in Orlando for a few days killing ourselves at Universal Studios. I had to rely on my ESPN mobile app to keep track of the games. I then caught up in the bar at Bonefish with the NBC Pregame show. So instead of recaps I'll share 10 things that stood out in what I saw recapped for me.

1. I did a great job in picks...until the Steelers/Ravens game.
2. New England loosing tight end Rob Gronkowski to a broken forearm is huge.
3. The Bucs are not a fluke.
4. The Jaguars are refusing to roll over and die.
5. Three overtime games in one week is exciting even while following on mobile apps.
6. Manning and Brady are still the kings.
7. Not as many concussed QBs this week.
8. RGIII scoring four touchdowns? Boy has had the year all rookie quarterbacks dream of.
9. The Saints are marching right along. Who knew?
10. Well, since Chicago is playing San Francisco at least one team with a back up quarterback (playing due to injuries from last week) will win this week.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday picks & more - Week 11

  • Atlanta over Arizona - The Falcons won't lose two in a row.
  • Dallas over Cleveland -  I don't see the Browns winning this week unless Romo throws more interceptions then normal and the Browns score each time on his mistakes.
  • Houston over Jacksonville - Yeah, this was a no-brainer.
  • Green Bay over Detroit - This could be an interesting game if the Lions come out roaring, but I'm still sticking with the Packers.
  • Cincinnati over Kansas City - It would be nice if the Chiefs played as well defensively as they did last Monday night, but I going with the Bengals who are the better team.
  • Jets over Rams - Yep, I'm going with the Jets who are all over the place and messed up royally.  Could be my wildcard game.
  • Washington over Philadelphia - This was a tough one to pick.  The Eagles are struggling and will be without Michael Vick this week (he suffered a concussion last week) so I chose RGIII to show the back-up a thing or two.
  • Tampa Bay over Carolina - Ah, jeez, here I go.  Another game I agonized over.  The Bucs are just showing me some good stuff lately, but can they keep it up?  They are playing a division game with Cam Newton as the quarterback.  I think I went with my heart.
  • New Orleans over Oakland - The Saints are out proving they are contenders and I don't think they will have any trouble this week continuing in that vein.
  • Denver over San Diego - This could be another good game, but I always go with Peyton for the part and I like Denver's defense.  The Chargers?  In trouble.
  • New England over Indianapolis - New rookie quarterback meet the boss.
  • Pittsburgh over Baltimore - We all know I stick with my boys, but oh, my, we have a tough one here.  No Ben Roethlisberger.  A backup who hasn't played since 2009.  Too many defensive players on the sidelines hurt.  The mean, ugly, (&^% Ravens coming into Heinz Field.  Night game.  Go Steelers!
  • San Francisco over Chicago - Da Bears have the defense, but they have lost their quarterback to a concussion.  The 49ers may be without their QB to a concussion as well and are struggling, but it is a home game and Harbaugh will want to win on Monday Night.  He will come out gunning.
  • BCS - Baylor and Stanford defeated the #1 and #2 college teams.  Notre Dame, at #3, won their game trouncing Wake Forest 38 - 0.  All we heard last week was how Notre Dame would need the other two teams to be beaten to even have any kind of chance to be make it to the big Bowl.  Everyone said that would never happen.  Poor, poor Notre Dame gettin' no respect.  Well, look who is big man on campus now.  Don't people know who is on Notre Dame's side?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Happy day to me

Happy Birthday to me!  Today I am 48 years old which is no big deal because I thought I was 48 years old most of the past year.  This has happened to me twice before, the first time when I was pregnant for the first time and everyone chalked it up to that.  I have figured it out though.  I like even numbers.  I don't know why.  They are easier in some way or something.  So each birthday that falls on an odd number I tend to push it up a year unconsciously.

The first time this past year that I realized it was this summer on Kelly's birthday when she said she was 48 years old.  We always have a thing where I say she is older (which she is) and she says she isn't (which she is) and that was happening until she said she was 48 years old.  I got a tad snippy and reminded her she was 49 years old.  She said I had lost my mind.  I thought this was part of our game (where she is older) and this went on back and forth for a while until we both got irritated and she had me do the math.  It is always exciting to find out that one is younger than one is.

After that episode I received a call from one of the MANY republican phone solicitors wanting me to take a survey regarding the upcoming election.  I kept straying from the script trying to explain my disappointments with the republican tea party and how I believe that everyone deserve a chance to live his or her way in this country.  I was a bit fired up regarding the matter and when it came time to tell him my personal age I told him I was 48, believing that.  It wasn't until I hung up that Madison reminded me I was 47.  Oops, I did it again.

So I am now officially 48 years.  For another whole year!  How exciting is that?  I will now be correct in telling my age.  And I'm still younger than Kelly!  Life is good.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Steelers recap

Bring back the bee uniforms! I called it. For some reason we can't play well against and put away junk teams. The Chiefs were 1-7 coming into this game for heaven's sake on to our field on Monday night football. We hold the record for most wins at home on MNF. Jeez. I don't know if we are just  cocky and think games like these are a cake walk, or if we don't care, or if we just aren't that good and the past two weeks were just a fluke. Whatever it is it is torture to endure wondering which team is going to take the field.

Big Ben - He went down in the beginning of the second half on the third play of the game sandwiched by two linebackers, Justin Houston's helmet hitting Ben's shoulder. I didn't think the hit looked like much compared to some of the hits he has taken in the past, but when he got up his right arm was dangling and he immediately went out of the game and off the field. From there he went to the hospital and word is it is a sprained shoulder, but rumors are swirling it is more. I'm a believer in Byron Leftwich and an even bigger believer in Charlie Batch. Ben is so much counted on as the leader that there isn't a number two quarterback, but Batch hasn't dressed out for any of the games this year and Leftwich went in last night as backup. It will be a long rest of the season, especially the next three games without Ben.

Jamaal Charles - The Kansas City Chief running back bulldozed through our defense like they were bowling pins rushing for 100 yards. If we can't stop him how in the world will we stop Baltimore's Ray Rice?

Timmons' interception - It almost l looked like the one intercepted by Tampa's Leonard Johnson on Sunday except Timmons had to jump to get the ball. Either way I slept better last night.

Wallace TD - He may have annoyed many with his holdout at the start of the season, but if he makes catches like his one handed, between the legs, in the endzone touchdown he just might get what he is looking for. He's got a chance to shine now that money man Antonio Brown is watching from the sidelines. Unfortunately, that TD was pretty much all he did against theChiefs, only pegging two more passes.

Injuries - besides Ben last night we may have lost safety Ryan Clark to his second concussion of the season. Just add him to out growing list of sideline cheerleaders: Brown, Polamalu, Mendenhall, etc., etc., etc. Add all of that to the $50,000 fined to Emmanuel Sanders and the team for Sanders alleged faked injury in the game against Cinncinati and the Steelers are hurting.

Running game - Why is that when we only have one running back in the game he puts up numbers in the hundreds, but when we have two they can't compete at a high level? Without Ben the running game has got to strengthen. These guys have got to find the holes and together rake up the yardage.

Next Week - The Ravens. No Ben. Night game. Lord, help us!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday football recap - Week #10

Steelers play tonight so I'll recap their game tomorrow.  Our local area usually broadcasts the Dolphins, the Falcons, and the Buccaneers when they are playing away since the team is blacked out at home.  I was looking forward to watching the undefeated Falcons play the Saints in New Orleans, but do we get that game?  Nope.  No, instead we get the Miami/Tennessee game.  Another Miami game, this one a loser.  I spent my time watching the NFL network game channel and helping with homework before attending a birthday party.

  • Peyton Manning - He is moving up the list of most passes in the NFL.  He tied Dan Marino's 420 passes with a 14 yard pass to Brandon Stokley in Sunday's game against the Carolina Panthers. 
  •  Denver Broncos - And Manning is quietly silencing his critics and moving through the competition on his way to the playoffs.
  • CBS halftime crew - I've got to say that these guys make me crazy when recapping games at the half. They talk over one another loudly, laugh like hyenas, and make sound effects to accompany what we are seeing in replays, which would be funny if the other guys weren't laughing and drowning them out. Plus, I have a hard time understanding Shannon Sharpe when he gets excited and tries to make himself heard over his cohorts sophomoric actions. Only Bill Cowher remains stoic and that isn't enough for me. Our local sports writer thinks the same thing about Fox, but I'll take those guys over CBS any day.
  • Trindon Holliday - The Denver Broncos wide receiver returned a 76 yard punt for a touchdown to give the Broncos a seven point lead.  He got a tad cocky in the end as he crossed into the endzone flickering the ball out of his hands...before he made it into the endzone replays showed.  Too bad the guys up in the booth and field missed it.
  • Tampa Bay - I have to say that Tampa's quarterback Josh Freeman is impressive in maintaining his cool in the pocket while his offensive line holds back the defense. He's quickly becoming the franchise QB the Bucs always thought him to be.
  • New Orleans - I knew it! My gut told me that Drew Bree's wanted to prove something by stopping the Falcons undefeated run, but I chicken out. Boo for me.
  • Norv Turner & Andy Reid - These guys have hung in maybe longer than they should have. Turner got a annoyed at what he considered a reporter's stupid question and responded hotly. Reid's Eagles lost their fifth game in row. No, blocked punts, interceptions, and concussions aren't the coaches' fault, but when players aren't stepping up and making the plays something ain't right and the blame has to start with the head guy.
  • Blocked punt - How brutal was that blocked punt by Tampa Bay's Dekoda Watson?  My foot hurt just watching it.
  • Ravens game - Apparently it got a little heated in the second half with trash talking and powerful hits and then Baltimore's coach decided to fake a field goal and run it in for a touchdown with a 41-7 lead.  This is Ray Lewis' team after all.
  • Jay Cutler - He suffered a concussion from a helmet to helmet hit by Houston's Tim Dobson.  Cutler finished out the half which makes me wonder if the team did what it was suppose to do in a helmet to helmet situation.  What?  They discovered it only in the locker room at halftime?  Unacceptable.
  • Chicago Weather - Was it just me or was the cameraman intentionally getting his camera wet so that we had to watch the Bears/Texans game through raindrops? What they don't have people that hold umbrellas over the cameramen? Pfft. The Steelers have umbrella holders for the players.
  • Alabama upset - Nick Saban's number one team was upset on Saturday by Texas A&M's great defense in the last few minutes.  Miami Dolphin fans were standing on bleachers and cheering loudly, their middle fingers held high in the air.  Well, at least the guy I saw at Buffalo Wild West Wing House was doing so.
  • Basketball - It has started.  Does anyone outside of Indiana and Kentucky even know that?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday picks & more - Week 10

Last Week - 11 - 3
Overall - 81 - 51

Indianapolis over Jacksonville - The Colts are winning on emotion and the back of their rookie quarterback Andrew Luck. The Jags won't put a stop to that.

Giants over Bengals - Last week was also an emotional one for the Giants and they didn't respond as well as they would have liked. They'll make up for that this week.

Miami over Tennessee - Okay, this week I'm picking the Dolphins and not the Titans. Tennessee's quarterback Jake Locke is back but he wasn't so hot before his injury so I'm going with Miami.

Minnesota over Detroit - I keep believing in the Vikings, but maybe this is one where I'm going wildcard.

New England over Buffalo - Patriots quarterback Tom Brady is warmed up now at mid season so I don't foresee them having any trouble against the 3-5 Bills.

Atlanta over New Orleans - I don't know about this one. The Falcons are still undefeated and someone will beat them. New Orleans is at home with their general manager and assistant coach back. Something tells me that beating the number one right now would do wonders for this team,but I bowed to pressure and went with Matt Ryan.

Tampa Bay over San Diego - Oh, Tampa don't steer me wrong. If the Bucs of the first three quarters of last weeks game show up this week the Chargers, who have plenty of their own problems, will have a tough time holding with them.

Denver over Carolina - Cam Newton, meet Peyton Manning. He can and will show you how to play in this league.

Baltimore over Oakland - The Ravens play the Steelers next so I don't want them coming back from a loss, not that I think the Raiders have any chance against them.

Seattle over New York Jets - Seattle is kicking butt lately.  The Jets are one week and then faltering the next week.  Plus I like Seattle's uniforms over the Jets' boring green ones.

Philadelphia over Dallas - Both of these teams are in trouble.  Both of these coaches' jobs are on the line.  I just think that Michael Vick is better than Tony Romo and the Eagles are playing at home and have meaner fans.

San Francisco over St. Louis - This is an easy week for San Francisco as they roll right over the Rams.

Houston over Chicago -  I thought about going with the Bears in this game, but the Texans are the better team.  Da Bears had a great game last week especially defense wise, but I think the Texans have the better overall team.

Pittsburgh over Kansas City - The Steelers have done well the last three games, but we tend to be too nonchalant when it comes underachieving teams.  I don't look at this game as a gimme at all.  The Steelers will have to work at it again this week and be careful to not let the Chiefs put one over on them.  Never underestimate...

New York Giants - They donated $500,000 to the relief effort for states hit by Hurricane Sandy. That's how you step up. That's giving back.

Shaved Heads - Some of the players for the Indianapolis Colts shaved their heads in a show of solidarity for their head coach Chuck Pagano who lost his hair due to treatments for leukemia. Rookie Andrew Luck, kicker Adam Vinatieri, and punter Pat McAfee were just some of the guys who agreed to be shorn. Also takes sucking up to the coach to a whole new level.

Saints return - New Orleans Saints general manager Mickey Loomis returned to his position this week after an eight game bounty suspension and was quickly unavailable for comment. Media experts predict his first order of business will be securing coach Sean Payton's contract which was voided by the league following his own bounty suspension of a year. I'm thinking he probably was more worried about debugging his office from those pesky NFL spies.

Doug Martin - The Tampa Bay Buccaneers phenom was named the NFC offensive player of the week for his 251 yards rushing in Sunday's game against the Oakland Raiders and made the television circuit rounds. Shouldn't the Bucs be keeping him under wraps a little more? Shhhh. Talk about Ahmad Black's citation for marijuana instead so maybe the opposing teams won't notice Martin.

NHL talks - What? They aren't playing hockey right now? Who knew?

Friday, November 09, 2012

Out of the mouths of my babes

Me:  "I made a killing in the laundry today."

Darcy:  "It was my money.  I lost it!"

Me:  "Hmmm...when I was young my mother made Uncle Rusty and I have to tell her how much money we lost, what clothing article the money was in, and also how it was folded before she would give the money back."

Darcy:  "What if you couldn't do that?"

Me:  "Then she kept the money.  And I am rich after today's laundry."

Darcy:  "I lost ten dollars.  It was in those jeans you just folded."

Me:  "Did you now?  Just ten dollars?"

Darcy:  "Twenty.  It was twenty.  No, really I did have ten dollars in that pocket from when I went out with Savanna."

Me:  "Where did you get ten dollars?  I thought you were out of money."

Darcy:  "I found it in an old purse."

Me:  "Anything else or just the ten dollars?  I found more than ten dollars."

Darcy:  "Maybe I had some change.  Was it change or bills?"

Me:  "Sorry that isn't how it works.  How was your ten dollars folded?"

Darcy:  "Uh, I don't know how I folded it.  I just shoved it into my back pocket."

Me:  "Wait a minute!  That isn't your ten dollars.  That's my ten dollars.  I had it in my back pocket and forgot to take it out last night.  I remember that now.  I can't believe you tried to get my ten dollars."

Darcy:  "Well, you're the one who asked us about losing money.  I figured it was worth a shot.  And you said you found more than ten dollars."

Me:  "Yeah, but you can't tell me how much you lost."

Madison:  "Don't look at me.  I don't keep my money in my pants.  I keep it in my sock."

Kelly got this purse for Madison.  She bought her one last year and someone stole it out of Madison's backpack or it fell out at drama practice.  Madison loved that purse and Kelly happened to find her another one, but when she said that first about keeping it in her sock we thought she meant literally before we remembered her purse.  We all had a good laugh and then I said it reminded me of a Mary Jane joke.  She is a ding dong of a girl who laughs and laughs.  Behold the joke:

Mary Jane and her boyfriend were necking in his car.  Mary Jane's boyfriend put his hand down the front of her shirt, but Mary Jane just laughed and laughed...she knew her money was in her sock.

Darcy:  "What's necking?"

Me:  "Fooling around.  Kissing."

Darcy:  "I don't get why he put his hand down her shirt. He thought there was money there?"

Me:  "He was copping a feel of her breasts."

Darcy:  "EEEWWWWW!"

Me:  "But the joke is that she is so silly that she thinks he is doing it for her money.  You know like how sometimes I put money that I find down in my bra."

Darcy:  "Like my ten dollars you just found in the laundry?"  She grinned.  "Still w

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Connie Foot Update

We went last week for an appointment.  The wound is still closed.  The home health nurses have been released from duty and Connie changes the dressing herself.  She can shower and get the wound wet.  She can wear a real shoe.  She can walk on it, but her hip is too bad for her to walk much so she is still wheelchair bound.  Sometimes she has pain.  The area around the wound is very hard which the Foot Gd says is from the bone being so close to the surface.

Last night the ankle swelled.  She went in to the Foot God this morning.  He admits it is associated with the wound, but isn't sure what the cause is or why it is swollen.  It is not infected.  The wound is still closed, but she had some blisters on her toes from wearing the new shoes.  He lectured her on being more aware of her feet and checking them nightly since she can't feel any sensation in them.  He gave her a pressure sock to wear.  She is to elevate it and ice it and return to see him in a week instead of the month we originally had scheduled.

There doesn't seem to be an end in sight.  On she goes....

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Post election blues

I woke up this morning and felt, when asked, relieved.  The day before I had felt so patriotic.  I am one of those people who like to go to the polls on voting day.  My mother and my husband voted early by mail and they warned me of long lines and waits, but I didn't care because I love the whole experience of getting out among the people on the day.  My neighbor and I went together and voted and we didn't encounter long lines, but we did catch up with other neighbors we don't see often.  I wore my "I voted" sticker proudly and I also picked up one for my younger daughter who in the past has always gone with me. It was an American kind of day and I was thrilled to have been a small part of it.

Then this morning came.  I quietly went about my day, but couldn't escape the news, the social media sites, or the people.  I was shocked at the level of hatred directed at those who did not share the same beliefs.  Where we had the day before been one as patriots out orchestrating our rights as citizens we were now back to opposing sides, finger pointing, and doom.  Which makes me wonder how we can expect the people who lead us to work together for our good if we can't seem to do that ourselves.

I read a few blogs each day.  This entry on my favorite blog Girls Gone Child said it all.  It shouldn't matter who we voted for or whether we agreed with one another or not.  What matters is that we have the choice.  We have the right to get out to make our choice and to have it be counted.  And differences between friends?  It shouldn't matter.  We have the responsibility to not let our differences change our relationships because how we behave is being watched by the little ones.  Read the entry.  It is that good.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Monday, November 05, 2012

Monday football recap - Week #9


  • Game goes on - Supposedly players weighed in on whether or not the Giants/Steelers game should be played. Players thought it important to provide relief for fans. Unlike the marathon no city resources were needed or used for the game. The Steelers did their part by flying in early Sunday morning so not to take hotel rooms from displaced victims. I'm not sure that the game going on as scheduled helped anybody but the NFL, but once again the league looks good.
  • Bad calls - Jeez, I hate to gripe about the officiating, but one can not say that the Giants didn't get home field advantage especially in that first half. 
  • Big Ben - He was quite frustrated with the lack of protection from his O line and he made some very poor throws as a result, throwing his first interception in several games, but as always, just when I think he is off he comes back and leads us down the field.
  • Trick plays - Well, if that little flicker to kicker Shaun Suisham had worked we would have thought it great, but since it didn't work and we didn't tie the game Tomlin looked like an idiot. 
  • Defense - So glad to have you back! If the defense can keep this up maybe we can get back all we lost in the beginning of the year. Old? Pfft. We got young'ins that can help out the elderly and together they are scary.
  • Injuries - Unfortunately we are still racking them up with Chris Rainey the latest casualty to fall on the field.
  • Ryan Clark's hit on Cruz - Sure let's talk about the hit that Pittsburgh safety Ryan Clark put on Giants receiver Victor Cruz in the end zone that resulted in a flag and a penalty of fifteen yards which the Giants took advantage of and eventually scored a TD. Replay shows the refs were wrong. The hit was legal. Clark led with his shoulder and hit Cruz below the head just like the NFL video taught. Yet still he was flagged for a helmet to helmet. Yet still bloggers are griping about Clark playing dirty. The Steelers defense, no matter how crappy they play or fall behind in statistics, have everyone watching them and whining. Fine with me because that happens when you have had the number one defense for years, but what does bother me is that those same people won't admit when they are wrong. What also bothers me is that when our guys are hit helmet to helmet it isn't called. I've said it numerous times this is a violent game and lots of hits can't be helped, but when we have twice as many penalties as the opposing team and more injuries than the opposing team....something is fishy.
  • Notre Dame - Three overtimes in the Irish's game against Pittsburgh that included a missed field goal and a fumble and a touchback. Notre Dame won in the end with a quarterback sneak and the Irish kept their undefeated record at 9-0.
  • Andrew Luck - He faced off against another fellow rookie quarterback in Ryan Tannehill, but came out the winner. Not only did the Colts win with their coach in the house, but Luck had his best game yet going 30-48 for 433 yards and two touchdowns.
  • Chuck Pagano - The Colts coach who is taking a leave of absense to fight leukemia was at Lucas Stadium to watch the Colts win and afterwards gave a rousing locker room speech to the team.
  • Ten Years - During the Tampa/Oakland game it was brought up that the Bucs beat the Raiders in Super Bowl XXVII almost ten years ago. Ten years ago? I can still remember running around my house screaming at the top of my lungs after that game and it feels like it was just yesterday. Sigh.
  • Sean Payton - I don't really understand what is happening with his contract with the New Orleans Saints. Too many different reports. Supposedly the NFL is saying that Payton's contract extension is on hold for some wording in it and Payton is saying that will be back with the Saints next year. If the extension isnt vialible then Payton could be a cree agent next season. Whatever is true it will be interesting to see how it is played out. Payton is probably feeling smug that the team sucks with him forced to sit out and he might be thinking he will test the waters. But let's not forget that Drew Brees signed a contract with the Saints because Payton had signed one to stay. Will Bree's hero live up to his quarterback or think only of himself and move on? Jerry Jones is hoping he will move...right into Dallas.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Sunday picks & more - Week 9

Last week:  9 - 5
Overall:  71 - 48

Denver over Cincinnati - Peyton Manning is on a roll.  Yes, I've read all the nonsense about how the Broncos are too slow in the first half and that Peyton needs time to warm up.  Pfft.  It is what it is and so far in the last two weeks it has worked.  I don't think they will have any trouble this week either.

Baltimore over Cleveland:  Not seeing the Browns beating the Ravens.  Ever.

Green Bay over Arizona - Arizona started out the season flying, but since then they are free falling.  Don't see them coming into Lambeau Field and getting some wind this week either.  They need coach Ken Whisenhunt to use some of his trick plays that he used in Pittsburgh.  Next week they play the Falcons.  Whew.  Not looking good for the Cardinals.

Tennesse over Chicago - This is one of my wild card games where I'm just blowing out some smoke in the hopes of picking something someone else isn't.  

Indianapolis over Miami - I keep ignoring Miami and I keep losing this bracket.  I'm not sure now why I went with the Colts.  They are very up and down, pulling out some close ones and playing on pure emotion for their coach.  I think because they are playing at home with the crowd behind them is the reason I went with them.  We shall see....

Washington over Carolina - The rookie against the experienced rookie.  Cam Newton is going to come out explosive I predict, but the Skins are playing at home and coming off of a loss last week to Pittsburgh.  That tends to motivate a team.  The skins defense sucked last week and some of the plays called for their offense, well, sucked too.  But Carolina may be without their wide receiver Brandon LaFell due to a concussion and there locker room is still in disarray so I'm going with the Skins this week.

Detroit over Jacksonville - Hey, the Jags made a play last week and fell short.  I suppose that could happen again this week...which is why I picked the Lions.

Houston over Buffalo - Another game where the Texans will run away with the ball and the score.

Tampa Bay over Oakland - Ah, Tampa.  The past two weeks have been magical for our local team, although I still think the offense makes some odd calls and quarterback Josh Freeman throws some odd balls.  But the little team is still chugging into some wins and if they play as well as they did last week then I've got to go with them this week.  The problem with the Bucs is you never know which team will show up on the field and with them traveling to the other side of the country I have some worries, but rah, rah home team!

Minnesota over Seattle - This should be a good game.  I'm sort of rethinking my pick on this one since I think Seattle's defense is killing it, but Minnesota got a whupping last week so they won't want to lose again this week.

Pittsburgh over New York Giants - I don't bet against my team, I just don't.  I'm a fan. That being said I'm hoping the Pittsburgh of last week shows up for this game this week.  Because if not....goodness gracious.  New York the city is looking for something to cheer about, as is New Jersey, the home site for the Giants' games so the Steelers have a hard road this week battling Eli Manning as well as all the emotions. 

Atlanta over Dallas - The Cowboys are looking for a win, but the Falcons aren't looking to lose especially not at home.

New Orleans over Philadelphia - These teams are both in trouble, but I think the Eagles troubles are more recent and raw so I'm going with Drew Brees & Co. to win at home.

Steelers/Giants Game - There was some question about whether it would go on as planned or not, but as most NFL decisions, and New York as well, hello marathon going on as scheduled, games must be played as not doing so creates more issues.  The Steelers can not find a hotel to stay in so they are flying in the morning of the game and and flying home after the game.  This frees up hotel space for people who need it and the players were more than happy to make that sacrifice. 

"When you look at it, it's a minor inconvenience considering what those people in New York and New Jersey went through,'' Former University of Florida Gators and current Steelers offensive tackle Max Starks said Friday. ''You have seven million people without electricity, and a football game pales in comparison to that. You just hope you can do your best to take their minds off such a travesty for a couple of hours by playing some football.''

New York Marathon - Well, I make my picks early in the week and write my picks over the course of the week to post on Sundays so the above comment about the marathon is now inaccurate as New York finally came to their senses and canceled it late yesterday.  Some of the athletes grumbled about fees and airfare, but most of them understood.  They wondered now what to do.  Uh, how about pitching in and helping the city in their clean up, their doling out of food and water, and maybe shacking up with others to free up hotel rooms for the people displaced from their homes?  And really, this race should have been canceled at the beginning of the week.  Some people came from other countries for it so now they are here and taking up space needed for residents.  Someone dropped the ball on this one.

Penn State charges - Finally.  Finally the people who really are the core of this whole scandal are  going to get their due.  Penn State administrators Tim Curley and Gary Schultz, along with former president Graham Spanier are now facing accusations that they covered up the abuse allegations against Sandusky.  Curley and Schultz were arraigned on charges of endangering the welfare of children, obstruction and conspiracy and bail was set at $50,000 on Friday.  Spainer will be arraigned on Wednesday.  The accusations came in the form of a 39 page document that detailed how the men did not report the alleged abuse to police and instead attempted to cover up the entire incident.  They, of course, maintain their innocence.  Pfft.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

A little Saturday funny

I have written before about my vacuum cleaner issues and to paraphrase I flat out hate my current one and need another one.  Last week Target had two cleaners on sale, one of which was one that I had researched and had on my list as a good one to get.  For some reason I just don't go out and buy appliances over $100 without discussing it first with the husband.  I spent some considerable time wondering why I do that and decided I would just go out and get the damn vacuum cleaner and see how long it took before he noticed.  But things happened that day and I didn't get to Target.  On Saturday Tom and I went to breakfast together while the girls were still sleeping.  There I brought up the vacuum cleaner issue and he agreed that we needed a new one which led into our carpeting situation which I've written about in various posts.

We have the same carpeting in our bedrooms and hallways that we put in nineteen years ago when we got married and renovated the house.  It has been through several potty training children, spitting up babies, and a house training puppy, not to mention the various animals that have visited or lived in our house.  The carpet is gross.  There are so many stains in the rooms that I only invite people over in the evening so that they really can't see the carpet in the hallway as they make their way to the bathroom.  We talk about replacing it and Tom always suggests doing it at the worst times, like when I'm out of town.  Finally.  Finally we were actually talking about replacing it now, a good time if there ever was one.

He and I went to Home Depot and looked at carpeting.  I replaced the carpeting in the Steelers room when I redid that one and I used our neighbors who have a flooring business.  I suggested we go with that carpet in a different color and use them.  Long story short we did that, ordered it, and are now waiting for it to come in.  That done I brought up the vacuum cleaner replacement.  It was now between two vacuums for me and I had decided to go with the new Bissell Total Care vacuum on sale at Target.  It was a cleaner for both carpeting and hard wood floors, but this one had the capability to shut off the brush where the other one did not.  This one also had a feature that you could clean the baseboards by turning all the suction to the side so that it picked up only the dirt along the walls.  I was sold.

I bought the vacuum cleaner that night before the sale ended.  I brought it home and Tom and I put the thing together while the girls were off at various activities.  When it was finished I set it up in the living room like a piece of furniture to admire the cleanliness of it.  I told Tom right then and there that after each vacuum job the canister was to be taken out and cleaned with soap and water.  While I prefer the canister to the bags I hated the dirtiness of it all.  No way was I going to allow what happened with my last vacuum cleaner to happen with the new one. 

Later that night Darcy came home first and saw the vacuum cleaner in the corner.

Darcy:  "Hey, you put the vacuum cleaner together."
Me:  "Yes we did.  Now listen."  I put my finger up in the air.

Immediately she stuck her fingers in her ears and started la, la, lahing.  I ignored that and kept on talking, knowing she could hear me.

Me:  "See how clean and beautiful that vacuum cleaner is?  See how pristine the canister is right now?  It is going to stay that way.  After each time that vacuum cleaner is used it is going to be cleaned.  The canister is to be taken out and washed and dried properly.  None of this filthy canister, no not dumping out of the dust we just vacuumed up.  This machine will look like this all the time."  I was waving my finger from her face to the vacuum as a I spoke.  I looked her dead in the eye, still ignoring her singing and fingers in the ears.  "You and your sister..."  I looked her hard in the eye.  "You and your sister...are not to touch this vacuum cleaner."

Darcy took her fingers out of her ears and her mouth dropped open speechless.  I had meant to give her a lecture on how she and Madison were to clean the vacuum and all of that, but as I said what I said above I realized that they would never do that, that they would never understand, that I never understood that crap at that age, and so I revised my thoughts and decided that I would always vacuum the carpets, especially the new ones, from now on.  It was not what she expected naturally.

Darcy:  "I have to admit that I never thought I would ever hear those words come out of your mouth.  Ever!"  She looked at me.  "Say them again, would you.  Just to make sure I heard that right."

Me:  "You heard me the first time.  And if you didn't catch it, then maybe next time you'll not put your fingers in your ears when I'm talking to you."

Parents need the last word.

Friday, November 02, 2012

House Guests

Last week Elliot and his friend Nicky, the terrier next door, were loose and frolicking in the front. They like to chase each other and romp and it helps us owners because they are tired afterwards. Once they settled down they relaxed on our porch. Nicky's owner went home to get his leash and my other neighbor Sid and I were near the porch shooting the breeze. Nicky had been digging in my yard earlier and he now began digging in what passes as a "garden" in a bricked area that horseshoes my porch. There are different plants in that area depending on the time of the year. Right now there is some plant that looks like it is plastic and spray painted with silver paint and that was where Nicky was digging.

Sid and I noticed him digging, Elliot at his side watching but not partaking. The plant isn't particularly a favorite of mine so I didn't really worry about his digging since I figured I could shove the dirt back. Dogs dig. No big deal. But as Nicky dug a terrible squealing came up out of the dirt; a tiny cry for help. I heard it and immediately went over to where both dogs now had their heads stuck down in the hole that Nicky had dug. I leaned down and saw something in the hole, something grayish and tiny and mouse-like. I wasn't sure how many of them there were, but I knew they were babies.  I only got a quick look because I was grabbing both dogs and pulling them away as the little gray thing(s) squealed in fright. I yelled for Sid to help me as I kicked the dirt back. I think my thought was that this thing(s) lived under the dirt so I would protect it by covering it (them) back up. Sid steered me right when I yelled for him to get the thing(s). "I think you suffocating it will do just fine."

I was horrified. I hadn't meant to kill it. I thought I was saving it from two predators. Sid said it was probably a mole, and I figured he knew what he was talking about so the thing (now singular) became a mole in my mind. I was sure that it had had some babies down in that dirt, but no one cared to dig it back up. Sid figured it was dead and that maggots would soon dispose of the body. That grossed me out even more. Elliot couldn't leave the area alone. Every time we headed outside he would try sneaking over there, his nose sniffing and twitching. The thought of him unearthing the dead mole freaked me out, and I was pretty bummed about my part in its death.  I agonized over it most of the day.

Later that night I got on Facebook and the first picture that greeted me from the Supporting Gifted Learner's Page I follow said Happy Mole Day! I thought it a terrible joke, but turns out October 23rd is really Mole Day, celebrating Avagardo's Number, 6.02 x 10^23, a basic unit measuring chemistry. The day was started to push interest in chemistry. The fact that I happened to kill a mole on the same day?  Karma? Coincidence? Priceless?

The next day Elliot was still trying to get into the garden to the plant so that night I convinced Tom that we had to dig up the mole so that maggots wouldn't invade. He thought I was making up the whole thing and he was even more sure of it when his digging turned up nothing. No dead mole. No animal under the dirt where the two dogs had dug. Tom put away his shovel and let Elliot outside. He immediately went to the plant. He sniffed and sniffed, ignored the first dug area, and edging his nose deeper under the plant he began digging. He didn't have to dig much before he exposed a little hole. Maddy and I pulled the dog away and peered into the hole. We could see something little and gray inside the hole breathing. I was thrilled. I hadn't killed the mole after all!

I became the mole avenger. I alerted the neighbors to keep their dogs away from the hole. I kept Elliot out of the garden and on a leash. I stood in front of the plant when people wandered up my driveway. This mole was not going to die again on my watch. Until....

Madison came in a few days later to tell me my mole was not a mole but two baby bunnies!  (Sid knows apparently nothing about underground animals) She had gone outside to take Elliot for a walk and the mother was busy in the garden tending to her babies. The mother ran when she saw Elliot, but the babies were snug in their nest. For a week we watched them grow. At first the hole seemed large, but as the bunnies grew the hole got smaller as they filled it out. Each morning we would go to peek at them and find that the mama had brought in more twigs and grass to hide them. One morning she even had a large leaf propped up against the hole like a door. By Halloween they were the size of my palm and would venture out of the hole to hide under the leaves of the plant.

Halloween night we sat outside and watched the mother rabbit hop over the brick wall to the nest. The little bunnies immediately came out and began nursing as the mother stood and let them eat. It was precious. I was more than ever determined to protect them. I kept all dogs away, but keeping the little ghost and goblin trick or treaters away was hard. By the time we went to bed I was exhausted, but content in knowing that the bunnies were safe in their nests. The next morning when I went to check on them the nest was bare. My bunnies were gone. I chose to believe that mama moved them after all the activity of Halloween night.

Last night I did some research and found these pictures of newborn babies. No wonder we thought them moles! I'm am sad that they are gone, but am a tad relieved that I don't have to worry about them any more. It has been a lot of stress ever since Nicky dug them up. I hope they are in a better living area away from predators, but I also hope they come back to visit when they get a little bigger. After all we are known for giving out carrots!

UPDATE:  I wrote this post yesterday and right before I posted it this morning I was outside putting away our Halloween decorations.  Our cooler with bottled water was sitting on the porch and still full of water so I lifted the lid and started to move it to dump out the water.  ONE LITTLE BUNNY WAS HIDING BEHIND THE COOLER.   Now what do I do?  I left the cooler alone, but now I'm worried the other bunny was a victim of a nasty, mean predator.  This bunny escaped, but will his mama come back?  That page I found of the pictures tells me all sorts of things about caring for an abandoned bunny, but I'm not sure I can deal with this stress!  I'm going to leave him/her be until Madison comes home.  She is my animal person.  Jeez, just when I thought this ordeal was over!

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

1st red wall Halloween 2004

Last red wall Halloween 2012
(Maddy didn't go this year...sniff sniff)