Monday, August 20, 2012

School year 2012-2013

First day of school for the girls today.  First day of no girls being home and 5:00 am wake-up for the mom today.  It all went smoothly because we were on some kind of we-can-do-this high.  Madison actually got up by herself and was dressed and had eaten before she had to go to the bus stop.

She has never ridden a bus before.  In her elementary/middle school years she didn't have a bus.  Last year we chose to car pool with another student.  This year, however, we wanted to at least get her established on the bus just in case.  The bus stop is three houses down from our house, and  I kissed her and sent her out the door...and then I followed her.  Not down to the bus stop.  I sat instead on our tree swing and drank my coffee in the dark while I watched her join the small group of teens under the street light.  It was 6:20 am.  Tom and Elliot started out for their walk, but the dog was confused about why Madison was walking one way and I was sitting back at home.  (I know buddy)  He eventually walked two houses down, did his business, and started back toward home.  The bus passed us, our daughter aboard, at 6:29 am.

I had a half an hour to clean up her breakfast before it was time to climb into bed with daughter #2 and snuggle.  From preschool to 8th grade I snuggled with both girls as a means of awakening them.  Only when Madison started high school and had to get up so early did our snuggle time switch to bed time.  Our time wasn't as long as usual because as an 8th grader, Darcy had much to do to get ready for her first day.  She was dressed, had eaten, and had her lunch packed and had ten minutes to spare.  She read some of the newspaper and then insisted we leave so she could be early.

And just like that they were gone for the day.  I met a mom for our first day of school breakfast ritual which turned into a lunch three hours later as we tried to catch up a summer's worth of news.  By the time we headed our separate ways, I had time to walk the dog and put in some laundry before it was time to pick Madison up for school.  A good way I think to start off the school year.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh man, this just makes me sad...they are ALL growing up too fast! They both look beautiful and ready for there first day, I hope it went well for them:)) Thank you so much for your sweet words on my post:))