Thursday, March 12, 2015

Out of the mouths of my babe

Darcy: "The name Susan is becoming extinct."

Me: "Uh, ok? That came out of nowhere."

Darcy: "I know, but it is."

Me: "Where did you hear that?"

Darcy: "I didn't. I was just thinking. There are so many people named Susan and they are all old so pretty soon it will be extinct."

Me: "Oh, my. I will be sure to let Aunt Susan and SueG know that they are old and becoming extinct."

Darcy: "Wait! SueG? I didn't think about her."

Me: "And that will make Aunt Susan feel even better."


Me: "Sorry. That is definitely an "Out of the mouths" moment for the blog."

Darcy: "MOM! Please! DO NOT put that on your blog!"

Sorry Darcy. Somethings just have to be written down to save for family gatherings.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

I'm afraid Darcy's pick is not on here.