Monday, November 24, 2014

NFL Monday recap

Steelers: My boys had a bye this week - yay, we finally don't have it in week 4 - but I'm recapping their MNF game here.

Battle of the Bergers - This is what the announcers kept calling it because the two quarterbacks had berger at the end of their names; Roethlisberger and Mettenberger. It is so nice when teams give the television guys something to work with.

Sacks - Another five sacks on Roethlisberger with the Titans blitzing almost every snap. The problem with that was Tennessee's defense got tired and the Steelers got smart and readjusted. Ben finally got angry and did some shouting at his team, which I was happy to see, and he didn't get injured.  

Slow offense - I don't know if Ben was tired or if the receivers were tired, but the throws and missed catches were lazy. Ben's passes looked like second thoughts lofted in the air and the receivers stood around hoping the ball would just fall into their arms. Ugh. Hard to watch that.

Nate Washington - He use to be one of ours, and he was one I liked and hated to see leave same as I felt about 
Emmanuel Sanders. He caught the 80 yard bomb from Meetenberger that put the Titans ahead, but it was what the MNF announcers said after that warmed my heart. Washington had talked about how grateful he was to the Steelers organization for taking a chance on him and giving him the opportunity to play in the league. He had nothing but great things to say about his time with the Steelers and hoped that when he made big plays like the one he made on Monday night that the Rooneys would feel good about their decision and proud of the guy they helped develop.

Mettenberger - I didn't know anything about this guy. This was my first time seeing him in action. For a rookie he maintained poise and confidence out there especially after that beginning interception, but someone has got to work with him on interviewing. He came to his post game interview still dressed in his jersey and pads and gave away some nice Whisenhunt secrets. I hope the Steeler organization was listening. 

Old School - Hats off to Haley. Throwing offense wasn't working so he went to the old-school Steeler football; running. And Le'Veon Bell did his job and more racking up 205 yards, scoring a touchdown, turning the game and the offense around, and settling into the record books amongst some impressive Steelers.

Blount - Apparently, he was unhappy that he wasn't getting the ball. Apparently, he forgot too that this football stuff is a job. He showed his displeasure by leaving his job early. He went into the locker room, dressed, and headed to the team bus before the rest of the guys were off the field. The Steelers showed their displeasure by firing him. Oh, LaGarrette, those of us here in Tampa are not surprised by your behavior, but you signed with the wrong team this time. The Steelers don't take kindly to men acting like children. Two strikes (the first being your arrest for smoking weed) was one too many.

Harbaugh incident - This happened after the Jets lost, but it still bothers me so I'm speaking about it. The Baltimore Ravens coach, he of the Sports Illustrated article I read long ago of his hatred for the Steelers and the nonsense he makes the players chant before playing them, was filmed in the Ravens locker room by CBS after his team beat the Titans the week before the Steelers did the same. He referred to the loss the Steelers just had against the Jets, and while what he said wasn't really that big of a deal, it just makes me reiterate how angry this guy is against his division rivals. I don't think the players hate the Steelers as much as their coach does. The fact that the Ravens were fined $45,000 for their viciousness against the Steelers the week they played against them is a concern I think the league needs to be watching and it starts with Harbaugh who fires up his players with a hatred that goes beyond their rivalry. I don't like it. Something is off here and something is going to happen if the league can't get this guy under control.

Others:  I'm out of town again and only caught some glimpses of football, but I'll throw in my two cents. 

Blount - So after writing the above last week after the Steelers fired LaGarrette Blount, his old team the Patriots picked him up the next day. Seriously? What kind of nonsense is that? They released him, but now they want him? I don't care if they needed him. Shouldn't there be some sort of respect here? The guy walked off the field during a game. He acted like a child. Yet New England is going to reward him? And the NFL wants to change their image? Shame on Bill Belichick and that organization. The Rooneys are well respected in the league, but the Patriots owner certainly didn't show any in my opinion. Shame on him too.

RGIII - A little over one hundred yards. A sack and fumble to end the game. The buzz is it's the quarterback, the same guy who three years ago was considered to be the next great thing. I haven't seen the team play since RGIII came back, and granted he has some mental cobwebs (Mike Shanahan step forward), but the Redskins issues go beyond one man. 

Odell Beckham Jr. - His one handed, overextended, off his feet catch in the corner of the end zone for the Giants touchdown was possible the greatest artistic-athletic catch we have seen in years. Wow!

TY Hilton -Anyone else get a tad teary eyed watching his post on-field interview after the game as he talked about his newborn daughter who was born hours earlier? Heartfelt, and not afraid to show his emotions. Feature more of the players like him instead of the ones who screw up, get arrested, mock former teams, etc. and maybe we can believe in the NFL again. 

49ers - Whatever is happening in their locker room seems to have gotten squared away on the field. Their guys made clutch catches, key stops, and Kapernick threw a couple of bombs to seal their win and keep everyone quiet for another week. 

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