Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Out of the land of fairies and mermaids and into reality

The thing about the end of vacations is that most of life is in a state of disrepair for several days.  The beginning days are spent getting adjusted to being home or back on schedule.  The latter days are spent searching for things.  As of now I'm missing the cord that attaches on one end to my computer and on the other end to my camera.  I depend on my pictures to remind me of the vacation and days gone by.  I had the cord when I returned from Indiana, but in the days of our staycation with family the cord got lost among the kids belongings that adorned my dresser, chair, and bed because their rooms were already packed with suitcases and stuff.

So I search my memory and come up, as usual, with blankness.  The black blankness that eventually gives way to a gray foggy haze that lets me think my memory is trying to emerge from the darkness, but alas, nothing.  I have two weeks of Connie Foot Photos on the camera along with my vacation photos so sometime that will all get posted.  Perhaps after I clean the entire house?

So far our week has been spent running to and from doctor appointments in our rush to get things done before the beginning of the school year.  We have 5 appointments tomorrow and then we will have a free Friday before hitting the weekend at a run.  We have a dinner party which means cooking and cleaning and then school shopping for the high schooler entering the public sector.  (God Heaven's those who know her know what I am about to go up against.)  Next week will be a rush of school supply shopping and last minute beach runs to bone up on our tans so that it will look like we spent the entire summer on the Riviera.  That is what the private sector has done to me.

Bottom line:  keep watching because the cord is sure to turn up, and then I will be blogging once again my exciting and titillating life.  Or...pop on over to Kelly's site where she will soon be blogging her mission trip to Guatemala.  

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