Monday, January 18, 2010

NFL Monday recap

  • The Cowboys are upset because the Vikings scored in the last few minutes even though they were far ahead? Really? This is the NFL, not high school. This is the playoffs, not the regular season. I'm all for a "mercy" ruling from a coach, but I'm sorry I don't believe this was one of those times. On Thursday, my 7th grader played a basketball game against another team comprised of 6th, 7th, and mainly 8th graders. My daughter's team has three 7th graders, no 8th graders, four 6th graders, and the rest is made up of ten-year-old 5th graders. At the end of the first quarter, the score was 27 - 3. In the second quarter, the other coach took out his first string. That is a "mercy" ruling and the right time to apply it. Final score: 53 - 10. Not one student complained at the end of the game. So you see, I don't have much sympathy for the Cowboy's Brooking's whining. Suck it up little man or better yet...stop the Vikings on defense!
  • Thoughts and prayers to Gaines Adams' family. By all accounts, a real, humble guy who loved playing football and loved his kids. Another life cut short. He was 26 years old.
  • I'm always amazed at how talk turns to the losing playoff teams' coaches and whether or not they should lose their jobs. The Chargers Norv Turner who can't seem to pull his team through a playoff win. The Cowboys Wade Phillips, who hasn't been to a playoff in years. Both men are on the "will they" or "won't they" list. My feeling? A coach who got the team to the playoffs deserves another shot. Obviously, something went right to get them there.
  • The Vikings/Saints game should be exciting next week. Can Drew Brees fire up his arm playing a defensive team? Gonna be good.
  • The underdog Jets have what a lot of playoff teams lack: swagger confidence. When you are the team not expected to win, you want to work harder to prove you have what it takes. Ask last year's Super Bowl winners...they'll tell ya.
  • Best line: Talking about whether or not Cardinals quarterback Kurt Warner would retire or not, Dan Marino said, "He's got 6 kids and a minivan he'll be back!"
  • Is it just me, or would others like to see a Brett Favre/Peyton Manning Super Bowl?

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