Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why we didn't test her for gifted - out of the mouths of my babes

Me: "Seriously, Darcy, the dog is whining. You really need to run him down to the end of the street and back so that he can get some exercise and pee."

Darcy: "I took him out. But you know that house at the end of the street where Elliot always loved to pee in their nice grass? Well, for some reason, they replaced the grass with HAY, and now he doesn't like going there."

Me: "Hay?"

Darcy: "Yes, their yard is now hay! It's crazy. Why would they do that?"

Well, they haven't. In the weeks of cold weather and frost, the neighbor's yard has died, and the grass has turned from green to brown.

Florida kids. They don't know real winters...

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